Ok, so this is the 4th little bug I killed. I reside in northern california, and the past week, i've seen these black tiny bugs. It's round, almost a lady bug like shape, it's black with small white or beige spots on it. and when it's not crawling the little legs hide inside it's shell. I will attach pictures even though its not super clear, I hope the description
haha sorry volkswagon people, i actually posted the question twice, and once in the wrong section. thanks everyone for being helpful!
Asked by: m0chiprincess @ 2009-04-16 19:13:54
Answers ::
It is a ----------- Little BUG !!!
Harley guy
thats poop
thats a horrible picture you have provided us with..
theres no way of telling.
Well, it's not a Volkswagen bug you chucklehead!
Rudy H
Thats got nonething to do with a Volkswagen.
Well any way it could be head lice, Fleas, Lady Bird painted in Black.
Try the offical bug site.
Old Man Dirt
while its hard to tell what you are showing us in those pictures, it's sounds like you are describing a ... lady bug. Lady bugs come in many differnt shape, size, and colors.
where can you find a pink vw new convertible beetle in eastern north carolina?
Asked by: carolinegrimes96 @ 2009-04-16 17:51:38
Answers ::
fayette ville the cheapest$$$$ the best my mother has one
twilight vampire
I would check with the high school drama teacher
vehix??? or just get a beetle, then take to a shop to get it repainted
in a gay guy's driveway
You could order it online.
Fyanna Z
buy one, then get it painted in pink
Sean T
i this really true.........?
is it true vw beetles use more fuel than other cars?
i love them cars.
Asked by: meggi @ 2009-04-17 17:23:29
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what? no. a beetle gets rather good fuel mileage.
And why would it be true?
All you'd have to do is look up the fuel economy of a VW Beetle, and you'd see it wasn't the case.
Define "other cars"
Definitely not, beetles are good car that used average mileage, great for the side.
the old classic vw's from the 70's get about 30 mpg. From before 1966 they get about 35 (smaller engines). Now there are cars that get better mileage so if you compare the bug to, say, a prius, the answer is yes.
But if you compare it to the majority of the detroit iron, any SUV, and a lot of the rice rockets.. the answer is no.
Its alllllllll relative.
If you are talking about the air-cooled VW Beetle, the owner's manual claims 32 MPG. With a well tuned engine, this is actually a low estimate.
This is probably more than some cars and less than others. What cars are you comparing it to? If you compare it to the GM Chevette of the 70's, then it was slightly heavier on fuel.
00' Jetta losing coolant and white smoke from exhaust?
I have a manual 2000 VW Jetta GLS VR6 with around 155,000 miles on it. Currently, the EPC, Check Engine, and Anti-Slip Regulation lights are on. The valve cover gasket was replaced in Sep. of 2008 and the O2 sensors have also been replaced. I lose horsepower from 3rd to 5th gear when the EPC light comes on and white smoke comes out of the exhaust when I accelerate. Also, I lose a lot of coolant overnight while my car is just sitting there. It leaks out onto the ground beneath my car and I have to refill the coolant every morning. What could be the cause of all this? Please help. Thanks in advance!
also the catalytic converter has been replaced.
do you think the smoke could be caused by the type of gas put in the car? I started using the lowest grade when normally I used the middle grade.
Asked by: Haley @ 2009-04-17 14:27:24
Answers ::
head gasket
You have a head problem your heads are probably in need a new head gasket to keep it from losing power, burning oil and leaking coolant. You should have this check and fixed soon, or else it could become a bigger problem that would require you to replace the whole engine.
James B
It is probably head gasket issues...But at that mileage i would replace the engine....If you repair the heads and do a valve job normally that increases compression....and with that mileage the lower part of the engine will not last very long at all...You will be wasting your money to do the heads..
You could have a head gasket problem, a warp cylinder head, a cracked head, or even a cracked block. The loss of power could be from the coolant covering the brand new O2 sensor you just put in. have it checked soon or you could do more damage to your vehicle.
Your engine might of over heated. The best way to deal with this is to change your engine. Try to find one with low mileage. Check www.car-part.com. Look somewhere near your area.
VW Man
What is the most a volkswagen beetle?
how much could a volkswagen beetle convertible go for?
money;; cost wise(:
Asked by: miss.curi0us(: @ 2009-04-17 12:45:33
Answers ::
the most:
2009 beetle convertable
Go to the following website http://www.thesamba.com/vw/ and do a search for one. My sister has a 77 Super beetle convertable that she paid around 10 grand for a few years ago. I think it realy boils down to what it worth to the buyer. I.E. trying to re-live their youth, showing off at car shows or just wanting a toy to play with. I have seen what appeared to be simular VWs differ by 15,000.00 in price range. Ask your self whats it worth to you.
it all depends on the model, engine, and mileage. is it new or used? we need more info but go to http://www.kbb.com/ and put in all of the information about your bug and it will tell you the suggested retail value, private party value, and trade-in value. also, it will categorize the prices in excellent, good, or poor condition so you'll know where about to price your car given the condition of it.
It starts at $25,990
Arielle luvs u
What does grey crankcase oil mean in an air-cooled VW engine?
I'm trying to get an engine running that has been sitting for three years. When I drained the oil that had been sitting it was black with maybe 2 ounces of water in it. I ran it for a few minutes with fresh oil and a new filter. That oil has turned grey.
Ran again with fresh oil. Still grey, but maybe not so much. I guess I'll try it a few more times. Stock Tip: Buy Exxon!
This was originally a 1600cc. It's built to 2300cc, 140 h.p. Uses a Ford V8 racing filter. If I can get it running it's going to be quite a ride. Right now it starts hard, runs rough and won't run below about 3000 rpm.
Asked by: xequez @ 2009-04-16 16:00:50
Answers ::
You have still got condensation and sediment in the oil system. Run it for a short time to warm it up and then repeat the oil and filter change. Don't run any additives or chemical flushes through it. They would probably cause damage by blocking the oil passages. I have brought engines "back to life" and never needed to use them. Don't use the non-detergent oil as suggested by another. It would allow formation of deposits that you are already trying to get rid of.
it's still got water in it..add some motor flush and run it for a few minutes and drain again..
Sounds like an oil additive or "Never Seize" or "Lubriplate" was added to the oil before it was shut down. Some gumbo. I wouldn't worry about it though, considering it runs. That is all you really are interested in.
Not a worry. And the moisture is common (more so on engines that have a few miles on them.) What filter? Most air cools just have a screen.
You don't need any additives. Heck, they don't even need detergent oil as they are meant to run on straight weights SAE30 or SAE20(in the winter)
Best answer usually the simplest
Sounds more like magnesium dust from corrosion. The engine case is an aluminum/magnesium alloy. If it sat with condensation in it for a length of time you have a problem.You've seen how aluminum corrodes and instead of hard red rust like steel it turns to a powdery white dust. I'm afraid that is what you see in your oil. You may get lucky if you keep changing out the oil and filter. maybe add a cup full of Marvel Mystery Oil each time. Try this web site for more info.
bill f
How many miles should a vw 2000 turbo Jetta go?
I have a Jetta and have been told that it needs the cam done on it and will cost a few thousand to fix. It has 105K miles on it already. If i pay the money how long should it keep going?
Asked by: TG @ 2009-04-16 17:40:08
Answers ::
VW makes durable cars which is a good sign but the turbo ruins it a little. Since its over 100K already the maintence is gonna cost alot and the turbo just adds to it but the car would give you 1 and a half years probab of good driving then maintence would give it another year. But thats if you drive around 19K a year.
It all depends how you drive it and how much you need done. I know someone who has has mostly stock parts on for up to 180k and some who have to sell at 110k cause of too many problems.
best of luck!
Sean T
Depends how far away the local dump is.
Highly intelligent monkey
sounds like you are getting ripped off, better take it somewhere else.
sign up on this site and pick your region ask some1 that knows vw's to check it out
Robert n
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