My check engine light just came on in my 2004 VW gti?... My check engine light just came on in my 2004 gti and I have no clue what it means. I was driving it earlier and it was completely fine and now it's like it has no pick up speed and shakes. What do you think it could be?
1) It's cold - TheLance
2) did you check the oil level? - watchman001
3) clogged catalytic converter. - shesoundshot
4) take it to autozone or advance auto, they will check the error code for free. - patrick s
5) sounds like the transmission is stuck in emergency mode third gear only , switch the ignition off for two minutes and restart, if the light is still on buy or borrow an OBDII reader and read the code which will explain the problem and stop you getting ripped off VW charge $60 for doing that - Harley Drive
6) No pick up and shake sounds as if you have a misfire. It could well be a coil pack, you will need to get it to a garage who should be able to spot the problem easily. - L G
7) most likely oxygen sensor - cork
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Question 2
I have a 1966 vw beetle, what does the blue indicator light mean?... I just got the car like a month ago and i dont know much about cars. Does anyone know what it means? Thanks.
1) The engine is runnning cold or at normal temperature. It will turn red if it gets too hot or overheats. - ggaryusa
2) its the voltage regulator warning light. It means something is not right with the charging sytem. It could be as simple as the brushes need cleaning or replacement or that the voltage regulator is needing replacement. A loose belt can do it. Get the John Muir book the compleat idiots guide to keeping your vw alive. - Gerry
3) The blue light is the headlight high beam indicator. - Arthur O
4) Hey Eddie,
This is why I just LOVE Yahoo Answers... The blue indicator at the top of the speedo is the high beam indicator. There's a foot switch down in the left side next to the clutch pedal that controls the headlights high and low beam function. Step on it once for high and again for low. *Some* beetles had the hi lo function built in to the turn indicator "paddle" switch, you can tell which one you have by looking on the floor. If you have a "button" next to the clutch that's it no button? it's most likely on the back of the turn signal switch. Do NOT yank the turn indicator switch back, it doesn't work like that, it's a separate switch built into the backside of the paddle switch, press it in GENTLY!
There are two other lights in the lower part of the speedo that you really need to pay attention to as well. One is for oil pressure it's usually green and the other is for the charging system it's usually red. If either one of those lights comes on while you're driving? Pull the car over as soon as it's safe to do so and STOP! the engine.
The engine cooling fan is attached to the back side of the generator/alternator the only thing spinning it is that belt so if you keep driving with a busted belt you can fry an engine. The only indication you're going to have is the charging system light at the bottom of the speedo.
Oil pressure is also critical if the light comes on? Pull over as soon as it's safe to do so and STOP! Check the oil level.
You *should* see both lights come on when you turn the key to the IGN or ON position. This is a test Circuit that lets you know the bulbs and wiring are all good If you do NOT see the lights glow when you turn the key? DO NOT start the engine! Until you figure out what the problem is.
The idiots guide is a pretty good book and has comprehensive guides for just about everything you may want to tackle. And it can help you become more *at one* with your bug. Driving an old bug does require that you be a bit more on the ball and more aware of your vehicle. Costco has a really neat and fairly complete tool set for under $100. It comes in a blow-mold case so everything stays together and it's easy to inventory. Only other tool's you might need are a feeler gauge and a test light.
Yep... Old school VW mechanic I remember 'em well - Jim
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Question 3
Mk4 Golf Oil Pressure Light?... My Mk4 Golf (1.6S Petrol)'s oil pressure light keeps coming on when revved over 2000rpm, I've changed the oil + filter and replaced the oil pressure sensor but it hasn't sorted it. What else could it be?
Car has only done 69,000 miles since new - Robinsons suggested it might be the sump oil pick up pipe? Could this be? Also I'm sure I changed the right sensor - part from dealer is a pressure switch (around £10)
1) Oil pump is about the only thing left - Timbo is here
2) Hi there what you need to know is what the oi pressure is, as you have changed oil and filter and switch. it could be the oil pump. you need to put a pressure Gauge on the the engine you can get ones that you take out pressure switch and screw in Gauge if pressure is low change oil pump if pressure ok the check your wiring in case it is shorting to earth intermittently. jock - jock
3) Yo Alex, get a gage on to see what the actual pressure is. There is more than one oil pressure switch to.
1 verify your pressure
2. ID your senders
3. verify wiring to the PCM
Fix what you find. But get a gage on it now.
ASE cert Auto Tech, since 1978, 2003 GLI - sci
4) Usually you tend to get the low pressure on tickover and the pressure increases when revved up. As you have the reverse, the engine is either shot or hopefully the pressure switch is faulty. Are you sure you have changed the pressure switch as opposed to an oil temperature sensor ? As other answers state, the only way forward is to test the oil pressure, if that is low then you can try a new oil pump but I am afraid the damage may well be done. It may have been indicative if you had stated the car mileage. - L G
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Question 4
At what mileage does a Jetta's brake pads and other related things need to be replaced?... I drive a 2004 VW Jetta, GLS,1.8T . Most of the miles are highway as I am not much of a stop and go driver. I am slowly but surely learning about WVs and haven't gotten to breaks and rotors yet. I would check the manual, but I live in Iowa and am not ready to venture out in the snow to dig it out :) Thank you in advance.
1) 20K or 30K or 40K or more,depending on quality of old pads..old rotors and old driver
my sister gets 40 K my wifes subaru got 60K - pedro7of9
2) i changed them every 40k depands on the way you drive - unknown
3) in your situation, your brake pads and related, the ware and tare is at 80k....maximum - Amran Aman
4) It all varies on how much you have to stop. If you drive 40 miles each way every day without stopping, then you will obviously go much farther between changes than if you went 40 miles each way, having to accelerate and stop every 2 miles. Or 5 miles. Or 10 miles. - Sean
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Question 5
Should I buy a used Volkswagen Jetta?... Are Jettas good cars?
I'm looking to spend $5,000 MAX on a car. I was thinking of a 2000-2003 Volkswagen Jetta, with 80,000+ miles on it. Is this a good idea, or no?
1) I say dont get a jetta, unless you want to spend a ton on maintenance, VW's in common have a ton of technical problems. - Evan Rollins
2) jettas are good cars in my opinion...the jetta diesels are great but the ones with 100k miles still go for 10,000.......just google jetta how many good and how many bad....also i would google common jetta problems - jared
3) Yes get a Jetta but if you insist on getting one in that range of years DO NOT get a Jetta with the 1.8t that motor was terribly made. Get a Jetta with a 2.slow or the incredible vr6 <-- This won't disappoint. - Nick
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