Did Hitler really invent the 'punch buggy' a.k.a 'Volkswagen Beetle'?... :) <33
1) no,but he was a part of the whole concept,wanting a car for the masses. - idontgivafork
2) Pretty much, I hate to use wiki anything for resourceful information but this does fall in line with the closest thing to the truth.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen - buddy_236
3) No, where do you get these weird ideas?
The Beetle was invented in Germany, in the 1930's, but by Ferdinand Porsche (Yes he founded Porsche after WWII).
Hitler basicly killed it for war production. They made a military staff car which was sold as the VW Thing from the 1960's and 70's here in the US.
So basically Hitler was no friend of the Beetle.
ASE Cert Auto Tech, since 1978, 2003 GLI - sci
4) No, but Hitler did push for a peoples' car. It was developed into the Volkswagen Type 1 Beetle. It was designed by Ferdinand Porsche, and never achieved the success it was meant to because of WWII. It was originally called the KdF-Wagen. KdF stands for Kraft durch Freude, which means Strength Through Joy. The idea was people would save up stamps in a book, then trade the stamp book in for a car. The Beetle almost died after the war, as Germany could not afford to continue building it. A British man, whose name escapes me, pushed to keep on producing the Bug. - Dave
5) Hitler commissioned Ferdinand Porsche to design and built a cheap car that anyone could afford. - Nick
6) now you know why its called hitlers revenge. - gooseboy78
7) If you want to know the real story behind the Beetle, read the following 2 books : Small Wonder by Walter Henry Nelson and Battle for the Beetle by Karl Ludvigsen and Ivan Hirst. - bump
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Question 2
What VW Jetta is this?... Someone can tell me what type of jetta is this in USA. In southamerica its a different type of jetta. Because i want to buy some accesories is USA.
In SA is the Jetta 1.8T 2009
look it here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e37eq2q57Ro&feature=player_embedded
1) i have never seen that rear end, and the front end looks like a passat. - Dave
2) this looks like more like a Bora, which is what VW calls the Jetta in certain countries. VW has several different models for each country they sell cars in, and the designs usually vary. for instance in Mexico, they were selling the original Beetle up until 2003, that's about 25 years after it was cancelled in the states. - Jim Stark
3) Yeah! It's the new Mexican Jetta. In Europe is called Bora.... Is going to be hard to find stuff for it, here in USA. Your going to have to order stuff from Mexico. - eLrOcCo
4) It's a City Jetta. - Nick
5) It's the Jetta manufactured for the Mexican and Central American market. - djaca70
6) That would be a Volkswagen Bora (Jetta in North America1999-2005). The one on the video is a City-jetta (Mexico not sold in USA) they look like a Bora from South America. Also the video is from Mexico not USA.
http://www.encontracarros.com/volkswagen-bora-2009-ele-e-bom-mais-os-concorrentes-sao-melhores/ - Barney
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Question 3
I have a 2006 VW Passat with tyre size 225x45x18.My friend is selling 4 new tyres 225x60x18 would they fit?...
1) I think the width sounds a bit of a big increase - you'd probably find your turning circle would greatly increase, and the tires could even extend from the side of the body (which is illegal, and you'll get ticketed for). - Alexander Ward
2) the width would remain the same the height or size of the sidewall would be larger... i would just stick with the 225/45/18s, then you don't have to worry about the tire rubbing on any suspension components or the fender. try finding tires on ebay if you have to. - DYINGsucks
3) No, they'll be too tall. It's a pretty tight fit in there anyway and you're looking at a 15% increase in the size of the tire's sidewall. - Richard R
4) They will fit, The side wall depth is greater, but of course, it halves as it is split between the top and bottom of the wheel.Personally I would not do such a thing, your speedo will be slightly affected and the car may feel very slightly less taut but the ride will be slightly softer. - L G
5) The speedometer would be inaccurate owing to difference in sidewall size and your insurance would be invalid, as the car would be modified from manufacturers specification. - mick s
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Question 4
where can i find a vw help website?... i have vw golf and am looking for some info about manuals warning lights etc
1) you will need to ask in that car (volkswagen) club forums . should be online and most are free to join an Happy to give advise. you can also try searching online for each specific question and many motoring magazines will endevour to answer interesting questions etc. - hornchurchmale
2) www.vwvortex.com www.volkswagenownersclub.com - Briano
3) thesamba.com
all these sights will have forums and if you dont find nothin call them they will be of some help - idk
4) type into your computer vw forum they will help you - grahamduval
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Question 5
Volkswagen Beetle for first car?... Heyy guys, im going to get my driving liscence soon and my dream car is a volkswagen beetle, the older one, my budget is around 750 pounds. can anybody help? wheree can i find one for that amount of money?
1) Honestly do your self a favour forget the Beetle ! Trust me, this is not a good introduction to motoring. The Beetle is a relic from the 1930s and I have had the unpleasant task of working on these things, "Hate" springs to my mind ! If you really want a Beetle, get a proper car first and then buy one when you get a bit older and can afford one that some kind person has restored. - L G
2) Hey if your dreams a bug get one.. cheap to buy, maintain..fun to drive puts a smile on your face as you cruise along..
Have a look on ebay make sure its got mot, also take someone with you who knows a bit about cars get a 'Haynes' manual for it you'll soon learn some basic maintenance have fun... - Nicola
3) you might have a hard time finding one for 750 pounds. heres a link to the samba classified list. i put in UK and these are the results.....http://www.thesamba.com/vw/classifieds/search.php?submit=yes&keywords=&type=text&stype=all&username=&yearfrom=&yearto=&pricefrom=&priceto=&model[]=§ion[]=3&wanted=show&zip=&zipdist=0&state[]=Outside+the+USA&usaregion=&country=United+Kingdom&sort=date&sort_order=DESC&submitButton=Search
also check craigslist and ebay - Air-Cooled (o\ ! /o)
4) first i would brush up on my spanner skills. vws need maintenance a little more than most. what i would also do is keep saving and buy a decent one or otherwise you will be constantly fixing a wreck when you could be crusin... - gooseboy78
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