Did Hitler really invent the 'punch buggy' a.k.a 'Volkswagen Beetle'?... :) <33
1) no,but he was a part of the whole concept,wanting a car for the masses. - idontgivafork
2) Pretty much, I hate to use wiki anything for resourceful information but this does fall in line with the closest thing to the truth.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen - buddy_236
3) No, where do you get these weird ideas?
The Beetle was invented in Germany, in the 1930's, but by Ferdinand Porsche (Yes he founded Porsche after WWII).
Hitler basicly killed it for war production. They made a military staff car which was sold as the VW Thing from the 1960's and 70's here in the US.
So basically Hitler was no friend of the Beetle.
ASE Cert Auto Tech, since 1978, 2003 GLI - sci
4) No, but Hitler did push for a peoples' car. It was developed into the Volkswagen Type 1 Beetle. It was designed by Ferdinand Porsche, and never achieved the success it was meant to because of WWII. It was originally called the KdF-Wagen. KdF stands for Kraft durch Freude, which means Strength Through Joy. The idea was people would save up stamps in a book, then trade the stamp book in for a car. The Beetle almost died after the war, as Germany could not afford to continue building it. A British man, whose name escapes me, pushed to keep on producing the Bug. - Dave
5) Hitler commissioned Ferdinand Porsche to design and built a cheap car that anyone could afford. - Nick
6) now you know why its called hitlers revenge. - gooseboy78
7) If you want to know the real story behind the Beetle, read the following 2 books : Small Wonder by Walter Henry Nelson and Battle for the Beetle by Karl Ludvigsen and Ivan Hirst. - bump
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Question 2
what would win a race a 1997 Honda Civic EK Coupe . . OR . . 2007 Volkswagen Jetta ?... what would win a race a 1997 Honda Civic EK Coupe . . OR . . 2007 Volkswagen Jetta ? im the Jetta . . the honda has D16Y8 V-tech, a full cat-back exhaust, short-ram intake and headers. can i beat the honda ? its a stick shift. mines an automatic
1) honda civic would win - leo
2) it would be very close it depends on the condition of the two cars - Ryan
3) The Honda. The VW would likely break down. - Gino
4) The Honda would run out of fuel if you make your race long enough, win for the VW ! - L G
5) you never what engine you have - Damien
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Question 3
could some one tell me about the volkswagen brand position in the market?... i am trying to find about the volkswagen brand position in the market. how the name vw brand originated and its brand image in the market
1) Do your own homework.
Try Wikipedia. - EvelynThe ModifiedDog.
2) See:http://media.vw.com - Huge
3) The VW brand which embraces Audi,Seat,Skoda as well as Lamborghini,Bentley and Bugatti is the third biggest car makers in the world. The group is set to be the largest by 2018.The name derives from Peoples car.. Volkswagen.The brand image is subjective as image is what an individual perceives. Generally VW are premium mass produced cars whilst the Audi brand are regarded as upper market. Seat and Skoda come in lower than both VW and Audi. Skoda in particular, for many years the joke of the Automobile industry have made great strides to lose the tarnished image. A change of name would perhaps have been a better idea ! - L G
4) Came about in the 1930s during Hitler's rise to power as a people's car hence the name Volkswagen. For something like 900 deutschmarks made in payments, a German citizen could buy a car. This was one of Hitler's good ideas.
Volkswagen, I think, is currently the second largest auto maker in the world in terms of yearly sales. In recent years they have taken huge steps forward in terms of reliability and affordability. They are shooting for one million sales and to become the largest auto maker by something like 2011. - Nick
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Question 4
What VW Jetta is this?... Someone can tell me what type of jetta is this in USA. In southamerica its a different type of jetta. Because i want to buy some accesories is USA.
In SA is the Jetta 1.8T 2009
look it here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e37eq2q57Ro&feature=player_embedded
1) i have never seen that rear end, and the front end looks like a passat. - Dave
2) this looks like more like a Bora, which is what VW calls the Jetta in certain countries. VW has several different models for each country they sell cars in, and the designs usually vary. for instance in Mexico, they were selling the original Beetle up until 2003, that's about 25 years after it was cancelled in the states. - Jim Stark
3) Yeah! It's the new Mexican Jetta. In Europe is called Bora.... Is going to be hard to find stuff for it, here in USA. Your going to have to order stuff from Mexico. - eLrOcCo
4) It's a City Jetta. - Nick
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Question 5
Smoke my tail lights..?... What's the best/cheapest way to smoke my tail lights, side markers, and the blinkers on the side panels on my 2001 MK4 Jetta?
1) I'm sure they sell smoked lens for that stuff. The tail light if you want to keep stock but just smoked you can have them tinted. You can tint all that stuff if you didn't want to hunt down smoked side markers and blinkers. I've never tried personally but I know people tint headlights, tail lights, and marker lights. - ChevyPride0310
2) You can buy a spray tin and do it yourself. Its a bit 90 's though ! - L G
3) Go 2 a spare parts place and buy a couple of cans of VHT night shades, its a spray on tint.... maybe get your boyfriend or brother or someone to do it for you - Chloe's Dad
4) Yes you can smoke anything on your car that you want. However, each police jurisdiction may or may not have specific values that you can "darken" the lens to.
In my locality, I have seen many a "ricer" pulled over and ticketed for improper lenses.
They have 48 hours to repair or the fine is doubled. - Briano
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