Tuesday, November 30, 2010

my hazard lights flash after i lock car octavia?

Question 1
my hazard lights flash after i lock car octavia?...  

1)   They are supposed to for a few seconds. - Ron S

2)   Whats the question? - Johnny DJ

3)   All my cars do the same thing.... this way you know when they lock. But what is your question? - LT

4)   This is a visual indicator that you have locked your car - It should also do the same when you open it? - ROBIN

5)   Most cars do this. Some make a bleeping noise too. It is perfectly fine, just an indication that the doors are locked and the alarm is armed. - Andy

6)   Ok, if I didn't know that an Octavia's hazard lights flash when it is locked, I do now. What question did you want to ask? - sheetwowsheet

7)   My heartiest congratulations.

Oh, were you asking whether that should happen? Yes, it's quite normal. - champer

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Question 2
is difficult and expensive to maintain an old volkswagen beetle (late 60s early 70s)?...  i want to get one but im worried because the engine in is the back, and because its old that it will be expensive to maintain it

1)   very expensive - ep1909

2)   If you can do the work yourself, it would be a fun hobby. If you have to pay for the maintenance, it will cost you a bundle. - Who Me

3)   My friend had one. It was a cool old car, but it wasn't something you could use for regular transportation. It always had some little thing going wrong. It was really easy to work on though. All the parts were still around and fairly easy to get. It's just that something was always seeming to go wrong. It's the same with most vehicles that are getting to be 40-50 years old though. At some point they become a hobby and not real transportation. - The Freak Show

4)   Assuming you get one in good and reliable shape (which is not difficult) the typical expenses over a YEAR exclusive of insurance and registration) and also excluding gasoline since I have no idea how much you drive but figure mileage at about 23 to 26 mpg, are:

Oil Changes (minimum of every other month.. once a month is better) @ $25 each.........$150

Check and Adjust valves ... at least twice a year)................$150

Tires should last for 30,000. A set of four runs about $400 installed so factor that in.........$100

If properly maintained a good engine should last at least 10 years @ $3000 installed
so a prorated MAXIMUM expense over that period..........$300

The tranny is usually good for about 30 years.. lets ignore that one

Misc. prorated costs and upkeep (lights, shocks, fuses, battery (eventually)...$100

So your car will average out with costs of about $800 per year as my best guess. However most of this work is simple and easy (if somewhat messy) so if you do it yourself figure costs of about half of that...

been driving my 71 bug for some time now and that sounds about right ...

. - ca_surveyor

5)   For putting around town - they are fine. At low power levels they will probably not require much unusual maintenance. They do require valve adjustments periodically. If they are run hard say on the freeway at 70 or more or lots of hills they tend to get hot and then leak oil around the pushrod tubes and the head cover gaskets. Especially if your pistons/rings are worn.
The engines are actually a very good design as long as they are not "worn out". There are high temperature silicon rubber push rod tube seals that help stop the leaks. And good rubber gaskets for the head covers (as opposed to cork).
And if you are inclined to want to dabble in mechanics they are not that hard to work on. You can drop the engine out in about 30 minutes using a floor jack or a transmision jack. You have to get he car high enough on stands to clear the fan shroud. Unhook the throttle cable, the fuel line and a few wires, 4 bolts hold it on to the transmission. Support the engine with the floor jack (or trans jack) loosen the 4 bolts (2 above, 2 below) then balancing the engine level - with draw it a couple inches (50 mm) until the trans shaft clears the clutch. (if it is an automatic you have to unbolt the torque converter from the torque plate - there are 6 or 8) bolts around the outside of the torque plate.
The air cooling sheet metal is a pain. take pictures and notes about how it all fits together. If you skip a piece on assembly it all has to come off again!
When putting it back in the most important thing is to have the clutch plate centered in the clutch. Use a spline tool to do this. Make sure the engine is "square" with the trans so the shaft will go in. You may have to rock it a little bit to get the splines to line up. All there is to it. - Joyce

6)   i drive a 1970 bug daily that has never been restored and has the original engine that at about 81000 miles. i honestly cant remember the last time i spent money fixing it. but when i do have to fix it i do the work myself which is cheaper. it really depends on how well the car was maintained before you bought it. the guy i got the car from took really good care of the car. if i were you i would do as much research on the particular car you are looking at to see if the previous owner took good care of the car. just change the oil every 3000 miles and adjust the valves every 3000 as well. the brakes should be adjusted every 1500 miles - Air-Cooled (o\ ! /o)

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Question 3
what is the delivery time on new vw polo?...  

1)   ask the salesman before you order it. - Sal*UK

2)   8 - 10 weeks.

Why would you buy a polo? i assume its for your gran? - Delihah Yahooer And Proud Of It

3)   Depends on model and availability. Put a clause in any order that if it is not delivered to you by a certain date, you can have a deposit refund. Dealers don't like it, as it is legally binding on them. - mick s

4)   I'm sure it varies depending on lots of different things, why don't you ask a VW dealer? - EvelynThe ModifiedDog.

5)   A new car is made to order as there are so many variations of build. The official time is 20-24 weeks. Under normal circumstances it would come in 10-12 weeks. - twentyseven-fortyone

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Question 4
VW Polo 1998 wont start - dead battery or starter motor?!?...  Hi all,

I have a 1998 vw polo 1.4 and it has been lying idle for the past 5 days- it has been very cold like minus 5 here since last week and when I attempt to start the car I hear a clicking noise. The lights, radio & horn are all working.

I thought it was a dead battery so I got a charged battery pack which is definitely working. I connected everything correctly EXCEPT the positive (red) cable which I couldn't connect to the exact spot due to a piece of metal which cannot be removed or moved being in the way!!

I attempted to start the car & it tried to start but just failed (an improvement as before I did this it wouldn't start AT ALL)

Then my neighbour came out of his house & said he thinks its the starter motor because its clicking? He said all it needed was a tap but he didn't know where the starter motor was and neither do i!

So a few questions- please if u can answer please do!

1. is it more likely to be a dead battery or the starter motor?

2. Where is the starter motor on a 1998 polo 1.4?

3. what should I do with the starter motor when I locate it?

4. perhaps it really is a dead battery & if so how on earth do I get it connected properly to the positive cable- this piece of metal is connected to the rest of the battery & I just dint know what to do with it!

Thank you!!!!!!!!!
I honestly dont know how old that battery is- at least 3 years old but possibly more!

1)   If the car was OK before and you've just left it for 5 days in the freezing cold, 100% it needs a new battery.
The one that's on it is so knackered it's not even taking a decent charge.
They only last 4 or 5 years, how old is it? - EvelynThe ModifiedDog.

2)   a car battery can last anything form 3years to 10 years. often most cheaper ones start to fail around 5-6 years and cold weather really show a weak or poor battery up.
if you have a FULLY charged battery and the solenoid just clicks? then this is probably a starter motor fault ( exchange to sort) and a heavy Tap on side of it or solenoid will often ( not always) allow it to engage and crank engine.
all starter motors can be found by following with eye the edge of bell housing to engine( where engine flywheel and clutch is located) since all ( any car etc) starter motors engage on teeth on edge of the flywheel to work ) this is normally about a third to halfway up from sump one one side of engine.
as it cranked Ok ? when new battery pack was fitted we can assume it was simply a dead battery and not a solenoid issue at this stage.
the other 'red wire' must be attached in order to enable ignition to occur. ask a Friend or check with a mechanic how to affix this . - hornchurchmale

3)   Hi,its your battery.You stud the car for five days.Don't know What kind of journeys you do as that has an affect on how charged the battery gets.I believe it worked fine when you parked it up. When you tried to start it with battery pack you weren't able to make the best connection to the red (live) terminal that would have made a difference to how she tried to start.If you try any kind of jump start again Connect it to the piece of metal you say you cant remove as close to and so long as it goes on to the live terminal and it should make a lot of difference. If you use another car to jump off let it idle for a while to put charge back in to the flat battery.You also say with the jumper pack it seemed to improve. I believe you mean went from just clicking to engine turning slowly almost sounding like it was coughing. - Charles

4)   Dead battery, probably completely life expired at that age as anything over 3 years is a bonus - a new battery should cure it immediately. - Timbo is here

5)   Batteries lose a lot of power in the cold. If the battery capacity is reduced it will show up in cold weather. You say the lights work - and they will. They only take about 10-15 amps of power. The starter may take 200 amps.
one easy test is to turn on the lights and then crank the engine. When you turn to start if the starter clicks and the lights go very dim or completely out that means all the "juice" the battery is putting out is going through the starter armature to ground and it is not enough to break the engine loose and turn it.
If the starter clicks and there is NO change to the head light intensity - it means the solenoid is not connecting. The solenoid could be "weak" because of the low battery. You need to make sure the battery is strong.
As to the other part of your question about "a piece of metal" being in the way - was the 2nd battery you got not the same configuration? You certainly MUST get the cables connected properly or the engine wont run.
I think the head light on test will indicate if your battery is weak and the solenoid is working. I did have a VW starter fail once because the internal solenoid contacts burned out (after about 120,000 miles). There are some copper buttons in there that wear over time from arcing.
If the car is high mileage - you might need to just get a rebuilt starter. It will have new bearings, brushes and contacts in it and will solve any starter problems. - Joyce

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Question 5
i have a problem with the cooling fan and temperature gauge on my vw golf?...  everytime i switch on ignition both of my cooling fans comes on and stays on until about 5-10 mins after i have switch off the engine and its draining my battery also and my temperature gauge is not working either. My mechanic has reset all this fault soo many times but after a while it always seems to go wrong again....whats my problem pls does anybody know??...but my heater works fine, thank god!...PLS HELP!!thanks
when i dont use the car for a day thats when the battery goes flat
2001 Y reg
to jock, we did change the relay and the switch which did the trick but 2-3 weeks afta the problem came back...??

1)   if engine is running it WILL NOT hurt battery
1 check/replace temp tensor
2 battery and/or slternator bad... - pedro7of9

2)   Head gasket failure - big job - Maid in England

3)   if old car your motor tells you is worn of and overheats will case soon

new car computer software glitch - eurometrix

4)   Hi there it must be an electrical fault it could be a stuck relay locate you engine compartment fuse box and take out the relays for the fans give them a hit on the side knock them against a wall or something and refit see if ok if not then try them one at a time to see if one is causing the problem also test out your radiator fan switch . with your battery running flat after a day it does sound as if there is a fault in the relay and this is draining the battery.Jock - jock

5)   Sounds like the first thing you need is a NEW MECHANIC! He has his eyes and hands on the car and has been unable to fix it.
Usually this sounds like a temperature sensor problem - so you check the sensor. If it is ok - you check the wires to the sensor. You don't say the year of the car. Older cars had a temp sensor in the radiator hose that directly triggered a relay that turned on the fans. Newer cars have an ECT (engine coolant temp) sensor that signals the engine computer and when it gets to high - the computer turns on the fans. Complicating matters is that if you have a/c there is probably a pressure or temp switch that turns on the fans when a/c is loaded.
Someone needs to trace the entire system and figure it out.
Re: battery. a mechanic needs to check for a short - or a parasitic draw on the battery which is making it go flat. If he finds one then he has to pull fuses and trace it down to the cause. If no draw do a load test on the battery - may just be a bad battery. - Thomas E

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Monday, November 29, 2010

Is your VW breaking down? Please respond if yes or no.?

Question 1
Is your VW breaking down? Please respond if yes or no.?...  I'm thinking of buying a 2011 Jetta but I'm worried about the maintenance fees. Could you comment on the reliability of your Volkswagen car?

(Right now I'm also considering the Honda Fit and the Nissan Versa.)

1)   becuz its not a toyota - sameul

2)   Hi am an owner of a 2003 Jetta.

I bought the car in 2007 used.

The only problems I have had with the Jetta stemmed from a part that was on recall (the break switch) (when you press the break the thing that tells the car to stop, luckily I was in park when it fully stopped working...however I was at a red-light and the people behind me were quite perturbed)

Volkswagen fixed that for free....however the guy who towed my car ran over a piece of wood while driving my car on to his tow truck (didn't want to risk the break going out again)...I was pretty young and stupid and didn't have the VW people check it out right away...turns out it cracked my cooling system... that was $1700 to fix.

Volkswagen will suggest you do all maintenance through them which I would have to say isn't a terrible idea....the first time I got my oil changed it took the guys thirty minutes to figure out how to do it (something about VWs using two different sized screws), now they do it like a charm in 5 minutes or so....but now I moved from my hometown and had an oil changed done a couple months ago at a big company oil change place expecting they would be able to do it...it took a good 20 mins and they broke something that caused me to have an oil leak...

I went to a local mechanic to fix that and drive home to get an oil change...

Volkswagens are expensive to fix...but I have never had an mechanical problems that didn't stem from some human beings mistake...

I have been told if I want cheap repairs...buy american

I love my Jetta, but I think I will be going American in the future. - emily

3)   VW is the one of best cars in the world,and specially new cars are perfect,those drive VW are always satisfied with it,so good luck and have fun with your car. - lucky s

4)   2006 Jetta TDI (Diesel). I bought it just over a year ago at 50K miles. It has all the bells and whistles. Now I'm on 72K miles and not issues. Runs greats! However, I do all my own maintenance. I would highly recommend getting one. - Checker_J

5)   2011 Jetta and Golf are great cars... yes they do cost a little more to run than those shit ass american crap ! but hey thats why the american car makers are broke ass because they make boat anchors ! Maintenance fees are not that much more.... have you thought about getting quotes and comparing prices for maintenance ? Buy it, love it and take care of it and you will be fine... buy it , trash it and dont care of it you will end up in tears but that goes for any make of car.... its all in how you maintain and treat them.... me personally i like the 2.0T version it has lots of potential - mr VR6

6)   mine's been running fine for the past 29 years. honestly, if you want these things to be reliable, you NEED to keep up on the maintenance. VW's need slightly more maintenace than most Japanese and American cars, and the costs for this are a bit higher as well. if you think this is going to be a problem for you, then i highly suggest you buy the Fit. the smaller Hondas are virtually bulletproof, they need very little maintenace and they run forever. i have a '97 Civic with over 250,000 miles on it, it even has the original engine and transmission. - James Dean

7)   Let us see...A Fit/Versa is not even remotely in the same class of vehicle as a Jetta.

One looks at these cars for extremely different reasons, so get your head staright about what you need in a car before searching esoterica about maintenance.

BTW, my 2003 Jetta GLI, 24V VR6, 6 spd MT, is flawless at 145,000 miles

ASE Cert Auto Tech, since 1978 - sci

8)   i have a 2001 jetta and it runs great. i absolutly love it! - Sara

9)   Negotiate with the dealer for either a fixed price maintenance contract or free servicing for the warranty period
Push them hard as they do want to make a sale
Buy the VW - Barking_Dog

10)   2008 Jetta Wolfsburg
The only problem I had was with the Mechatronic unit in the transmission. It was fixed under warranty and didn't have to pay anything.

Besides that the car had been great - 35k miles to this point. - Patrick Boyle

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Question 2
i have a problem with the cooling fan and temperature gauge on my vw golf?...  everytime i switch on ignition both of my cooling fans comes on and stays on until about 5-10 mins after i have switch off the engine and its draining my battery also and my temperature gauge is not working either. My mechanic has reset all this fault soo many times but after a while it always seems to go wrong again....whats my problem pls does anybody know??...but my heater works fine, thank god!...PLS HELP!!thanks
when i dont use the car for a day thats when the battery goes flat
2001 Y reg

1)   if engine is running it WILL NOT hurt battery
1 check/replace temp tensor
2 battery and/or slternator bad... - pedro7of9

2)   Head gasket failure - big job - Maid in England

3)   if old car your motor tells you is worn of and overheats will case soon

new car computer software glitch - eurometrix

4)   Hi there it must be an electrical fault it could be a stuck relay locate you engine compartment fuse box and take out the relays for the fans give them a hit on the side knock them against a wall or something and refit see if ok if not then try them one at a time to see if one is causing the problem also test out your radiator fan switch . with your battery running flat after a day it does sound as if there is a fault in the relay and this is draining the battery.Jock - jock

5)   Sounds like the first thing you need is a NEW MECHANIC! He has his eyes and hands on the car and has been unable to fix it.
Usually this sounds like a temperature sensor problem - so you check the sensor. If it is ok - you check the wires to the sensor. You don't say the year of the car. Older cars had a temp sensor in the radiator hose that directly triggered a relay that turned on the fans. Newer cars have an ECT (engine coolant temp) sensor that signals the engine computer and when it gets to high - the computer turns on the fans. Complicating matters is that if you have a/c there is probably a pressure or temp switch that turns on the fans when a/c is loaded.
Someone needs to trace the entire system and figure it out.
Re: battery. a mechanic needs to check for a short - or a parasitic draw on the battery which is making it go flat. If he finds one then he has to pull fuses and trace it down to the cause. If no draw do a load test on the battery - may just be a bad battery. - Thomas E

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Question 3
Which car colour would you pick: white, off-white, or black?...  I'm going to have to decide on a car colour for my new VW jetta this week! Your thoughts?

1)   white is more of a girl color
black is more sleek and classy
off white is just blegh - meep

2)   Depends on where you live and how much care you want to put into it. Black in the sun gets pretty toasty inside - not to mention if you touch the metal parts on the exterior. Like a trunk, hood or gas door. Black is harder to keep clean and shows imperfections - like scratches and dings more obviously.

White works well in sunny areas but is less seen in snowy areas. White can get downright dirty and it not be real obvious.

Silver is the top color (for 10 years running). Followed by Black. Both of which are gaining in market share. White is third and pretty much holds steady with the percentage. - Jason F

3)   Off-white,its easier to keep clean. - Voice of Reason

4)   white!!! - didi d

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Question 4
what is the delivery time on new vw polo?...  

1)   ask the salesman before you order it. - Sal*UK

2)   8 - 10 weeks.

Why would you buy a polo? i assume its for your gran? - Delihah Yahooer And Proud Of It

3)   Depends on model and availability. Put a clause in any order that if it is not delivered to you by a certain date, you can have a deposit refund. Dealers don't like it, as it is legally binding on them. - mick s

4)   I'm sure it varies depending on lots of different things, why don't you ask a VW dealer? - EvelynThe ModifiedDog.

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Question 5
Whats a nice looking set of rims for a green 1999 jetta?...  pictures would be nice :)

1)   There are 102 wheels listed for your Jetta. You can see them on your car, you can also change the car color to match your car. Have fun.... - pbleek

2)   The "American Racing Casino (Series AR383) Silver With Machined Face And Lip - 16 X 7 Inch Wheel" can never go wrong with these, will give your a edgier look just make sure you don't leave your vehicle unattended people might want to steel them. The ultimate goal with cars is to place less luxuries things unless you have a secure place to really store your car. Hope this helps mate, and may God bless you and your car. Sincerely Father Paris. - andrewparis930

3)   Stick with factory rims. If you go with anything else that's too flashy, people will think you're a punk and you'll be far more likely to be pulled over by the police. Same goes for tinted windows or blasting your music. - Dick Whitman

4)   The genuine VW Dakar rims are sensational - Barking_Dog

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Is your VW breaking down? Please respond if yes or no.?

Question 1
Is your VW breaking down? Please respond if yes or no.?...  I'm thinking of buying a 2011 Jetta but I'm worried about the maintenance fees. Could you comment on the reliability of your Volkswagen car?

(Right now I'm also considering the Honda Fit and the Nissan Versa.)

1)   becuz its not a toyota - sameul

2)   Hi am an owner of a 2003 Jetta.

I bought the car in 2007 used.

The only problems I have had with the Jetta stemmed from a part that was on recall (the break switch) (when you press the break the thing that tells the car to stop, luckily I was in park when it fully stopped working...however I was at a red-light and the people behind me were quite perturbed)

Volkswagen fixed that for free....however the guy who towed my car ran over a piece of wood while driving my car on to his tow truck (didn't want to risk the break going out again)...I was pretty young and stupid and didn't have the VW people check it out right away...turns out it cracked my cooling system... that was $1700 to fix.

Volkswagen will suggest you do all maintenance through them which I would have to say isn't a terrible idea....the first time I got my oil changed it took the guys thirty minutes to figure out how to do it (something about VWs using two different sized screws), now they do it like a charm in 5 minutes or so....but now I moved from my hometown and had an oil changed done a couple months ago at a big company oil change place expecting they would be able to do it...it took a good 20 mins and they broke something that caused me to have an oil leak...

I went to a local mechanic to fix that and drive home to get an oil change...

Volkswagens are expensive to fix...but I have never had an mechanical problems that didn't stem from some human beings mistake...

I have been told if I want cheap repairs...buy american

I love my Jetta, but I think I will be going American in the future. - emily

3)   VW is the one of best cars in the world,and specially new cars are perfect,those drive VW are always satisfied with it,so good luck and have fun with your car. - lucky s

4)   2006 Jetta TDI (Diesel). I bought it just over a year ago at 50K miles. It has all the bells and whistles. Now I'm on 72K miles and not issues. Runs greats! However, I do all my own maintenance. I would highly recommend getting one. - Checker_J

5)   2011 Jetta and Golf are great cars... yes they do cost a little more to run than those shit ass american crap ! but hey thats why the american car makers are broke ass because they make boat anchors ! Maintenance fees are not that much more.... have you thought about getting quotes and comparing prices for maintenance ? Buy it, love it and take care of it and you will be fine... buy it , trash it and dont care of it you will end up in tears but that goes for any make of car.... its all in how you maintain and treat them.... me personally i like the 2.0T version it has lots of potential - mr VR6

6)   mine's been running fine for the past 29 years. honestly, if you want these things to be reliable, you NEED to keep up on the maintenance. VW's need slightly more maintenace than most Japanese and American cars, and the costs for this are a bit higher as well. if you think this is going to be a problem for you, then i highly suggest you buy the Fit. the smaller Hondas are virtually bulletproof, they need very little maintenace and they run forever. i have a '97 Civic with over 250,000 miles on it, it even has the original engine and transmission. - James Dean

7)   Let us see...A Fit/Versa is not even remotely in the same class of vehicle as a Jetta.

One looks at these cars for extremely different reasons, so get your head staright about what you need in a car before searching esoterica about maintenance.

BTW, my 2003 Jetta GLI, 24V VR6, 6 spd MT, is flawless at 145,000 miles

ASE Cert Auto Tech, since 1978 - sci

8)   i have a 2001 jetta and it runs great. i absolutly love it! - Sara

9)   Negotiate with the dealer for either a fixed price maintenance contract or free servicing for the warranty period
Push them hard as they do want to make a sale
Buy the VW - Barking_Dog

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Question 2
jetta engine help!!!?...  i will give as much detail as i can
its an 01 jetta 1.8t wolfsberg manual transmission with 98 thousand miles
oil changes have been made and i just recently put in new spark plugs and a new air filter
my problem is that over time my car has been idling wierd and would randomly die on me if rpms werent high enough, basicaly just when im not in gear. this randomly started happening about a month ago stopped ocuredd again then stopped happening and after i did all the maintenance i talked about it ran just fine. but just a few days after it started idling and dying again and its even worst. i let it warm up before driving it but it just idles crazy and is loud and just struggles to run unless its up to higher rpms. ive read that the throttle body might need to be cleaned out, a while back it threw up check engine lights saying it had a random misfire and from what ive heard online is that a dirty throttle body would cause it to stall during idle and cause random misfires. any help would be greatly appreciated
the plugs looked ok when i pulled them out just old but nothing stood out and the coil packs looked fine as well
from what ive heard ot sounds like throttle body , i asked my friend about it and he thinks it could be a vaccum leak

1)   Have you tried simply having a mechanic check your idle speed? It might just be set too low. It can fall out of adjustment over time. - Elise

2)   First, when you changed plugs, where any fouled or different?
If so, the you might simply have a bad wire.
They start to short out more and more, from moisture, oil, etc.

But the throttle body is also likely.
The PVC throws up oil and water foam, and it collects on the throttle body.
The throttle body works by being heated and checking how cool the air has made it, so any insulator, like water and oil foam, totally screws it up.
Take it off first before spraying it clean, so that you don't get carb cleaner solvents down the engine.
If the PVC really throws a lot of foam, I usually have to lengthen the PVC tubing down to a metal can in the cold airflow, to act as a condenser and filter, to keep the water and oil out of the intake.

If nothing so far, then it could be the purge value or ERG, but let me know how it goes first. - Motorhead

3)   Open the air circuit from inlet to turbo and clean thoroughly. Particularly the air filter.
Check the fuel circuit, particularly the fuel filter. Set both circuits and keep the idle at around 1000 rpm max. It should be ok - tvl

4)   You already hit on one possible cause. Check all vacuum pipes for splits as well as all other hoses and connections, something is upsetting the balance. - L G

5)   Listen to your friend about the vacuum leak. Just start replacing them 1 at a Time! The need to be replaced anyway your car is almost 10.

ASE Cert Auto Tech, since 1978, 2003 GLI - sci

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Question 3
Whats a nice looking set of rims for a green 1999 jetta?...  pictures would be nice :)

1)   There are 102 wheels listed for your Jetta. You can see them on your car, you can also change the car color to match your car. Have fun.... - pbleek

2)   The "American Racing Casino (Series AR383) Silver With Machined Face And Lip - 16 X 7 Inch Wheel" can never go wrong with these, will give your a edgier look just make sure you don't leave your vehicle unattended people might want to steel them. The ultimate goal with cars is to place less luxuries things unless you have a secure place to really store your car. Hope this helps mate, and may God bless you and your car. Sincerely Father Paris. - andrewparis930

3)   Stick with factory rims. If you go with anything else that's too flashy, people will think you're a punk and you'll be far more likely to be pulled over by the police. Same goes for tinted windows or blasting your music. - Dick Whitman

4)   The genuine VW Dakar rims are sensational - Barking_Dog

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Question 4
where would you fit a dixie horn to a 1973 beetle?...  

1)   Shouldn't your question be "Why would you fit a Dixie horn to a 1973 Beetle?"

I mean, it's not exactly a great big 1970's Yank Tank with a 7 litre V8 now, is it?
Stick to what it has. I will pass MOT that way....... - Hairy Jim

2)   In my secret laborarory at Doggie Towers. - EvelynThe ModifiedDog.

3)   find herbie the love bugs horn its cooler or a 18 wheeler big rig horn - italianstalian9965

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Question 5
Whos side are YOU on?...  Okay so I'am 18 years old and I still dont have my liecence, my parents bought me a new car and they drive it everywhere! It doesn't feel like its my car. I dont want the milage to be all gone before i even get my liecence. It feels more like a family car because they drive it to places more than they drive there car. I understand picking me up from school so i can drive home but driving everywhere else even times when im not with them isnt ok with me. they trash my car with gum wrappers, coffee cups, 3 sets of glasses, who side are u on?? help please cause my mom threatons to take my car away because i try to talk to her about it and all she does is yell. please help asap!

1)   they bought the car so they can do what they want with it. sorry buddy but its only fair. - Amy Lautner

2)   you're eighteen, finish school and leave. u sound pretty immature. Im on their side. you are still a kid, their property, they can do what they want with you. and its not like you even have a license so you cant use it. My parents would never buy me a car, at that age they wouldve been charging me rent! - Awyr

3)   I would never buy a new car for an inexperienced driver, because it will always get beat up by the mistakes a new a new driver always makes.

But you have not explained why you don't have your license yet?
Once you have your license, it sounds like all this goes away.
So then why not just do that?

Cars are good for about 200,000 miles, and the average use is about 12,000 a year, so it will take about 17 years to use up all the miles.
So stop worrying about it and just get your license. - Motorhead

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Saturday, November 27, 2010

i want to buy a 1968 beetle but i want it to be fast. how fast will 1200 cc go? 2276cc how fast will that go?

Question 1
i want to buy a 1968 beetle but i want it to be fast. how fast will 1200 cc go? 2276cc how fast will that go?...  i want to know how much horse power and what is the top speed the can go? also 0-60 would be nice. thank you. please help me out.

1)   well one at the track was running 11 second quarter miles. - ladystang

2)   zero to 60? those things wont go 60. - coffeend

3)   lol, you have no idea what you're getting into. the old air-cooled VW's had virtually no power at all, the best ones still only had about 50-60hp. my parents had a '74 when i was a kid, it couldn't even go 70mph and the 0-60 time was probably about a minute. certain companies make performance crate engines for these cars, and i've seen some that are decently quick, but the engines don't take kindly to excessive performance. you just need to understand that air-cooled VW's like the old Beetle are based on technology from the 1920's and 30's, it just can't handle the stresses of excessive horsepower. - Richard Ramirez

4)   because its such a weak and old car, you gonna spend over 3x its worth to put it on a track. - Vince Tam

5)   not designed to go fast, it's a slow car. u need to find an old porsche engine from a 911 to drop in. - ricardo9505

6)   a 1200 will do about 65mph with the stock tranny and 0-60 in about 30 seconds. and its going to put out about 35 hp (when it was new or freshly rebuilt) a 2276 will easily put out about 175-200 hp and with a stock tranny you can probably do 100mph but i wouldnt unless you want to throw a rod or spin a bearing. put a 2276cc and a gene berg 5 speed in there and have fun driving it at 140 mph and a 0-60 time of around 8 seconds - Air-Cooled (o\ ! /o)

7)   The range of engines you listed would be from a dog to a screamer.
But realistically you would have to spend a lot to get to get the stock 60 hp to be more than 70 hp or so. To get 200 hp would cost thousands.
The stock 60 hp of a dual port 1600 will get you up to 80 and cruise all day at 70 mph.
You will get over 30 mpg, and it will last for over a decade, if you don't abuse it.
Replacement engines are also very inexpensive, less then $900. - Motorhead

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Question 2
jetta engine help!!!?...  i will give as much detail as i can
its an 01 jetta 1.8t wolfsberg manual transmission with 98 thousand miles
oil changes have been made and i just recently put in new spark plugs and a new air filter
my problem is that over time my car has been idling wierd and would randomly die on me if rpms werent high enough, basicaly just when im not in gear. this randomly started happening about a month ago stopped ocuredd again then stopped happening and after i did all the maintenance i talked about it ran just fine. but just a few days after it started idling and dying again and its even worst. i let it warm up before driving it but it just idles crazy and is loud and just struggles to run unless its up to higher rpms. ive read that the throttle body might need to be cleaned out, a while back it threw up check engine lights saying it had a random misfire and from what ive heard online is that a dirty throttle body would cause it to stall during idle and cause random misfires. any help would be greatly appreciated
the plugs looked ok when i pulled them out just old but nothing stood out and the coil packs looked fine as well
from what ive heard ot sounds like throttle body , i asked my friend about it and he thinks it could be a vaccum leak

1)   Have you tried simply having a mechanic check your idle speed? It might just be set too low. It can fall out of adjustment over time. - Elise

2)   First, when you changed plugs, where any fouled or different?
If so, the you might simply have a bad wire.
They start to short out more and more, from moisture, oil, etc.

But the throttle body is also likely.
The PVC throws up oil and water foam, and it collects on the throttle body.
The throttle body works by being heated and checking how cool the air has made it, so any insulator, like water and oil foam, totally screws it up.
Take it off first before spraying it clean, so that you don't get carb cleaner solvents down the engine.
If the PVC really throws a lot of foam, I usually have to lengthen the PVC tubing down to a metal can in the cold airflow, to act as a condenser and filter, to keep the water and oil out of the intake.

If nothing so far, then it could be the purge value or ERG, but let me know how it goes first. - Motorhead

3)   Open the air circuit from inlet to turbo and clean thoroughly. Particularly the air filter.
Check the fuel circuit, particularly the fuel filter. Set both circuits and keep the idle at around 1000 rpm max. It should be ok - tvl

4)   You already hit on one possible cause. Check all vacuum pipes for splits as well as all other hoses and connections, something is upsetting the balance. - L G

5)   Listen to your friend about the vacuum leak. Just start replacing them 1 at a Time! The need to be replaced anyway your car is almost 10.

ASE Cert Auto Tech, since 1978, 2003 GLI - sci

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Question 3
Is the gear box in the Porsche 914 and the old Volkswagen Bug interchangeable?...  

1)   The 914 was a VW Type 4 engine. In the Type 4, it hung out the rear and in the 914, it was spun 180° so the mass of the engine was in the middle. The 914 was a 5-speed, though, and I think the Type 4 was a 4-speed.

I'll watch this discussion with interest. - Picture Taker

2)   Picture Taker is correct that the Porsche 914 transaxle is not at all like the old VW bug transaxle, even though they have the same bolt pattern and input shaft.
Since the 914 was a mid engine car instead of the engine hanging out the back like a VW, the differential has to turn the opposite direction.
The shift linkage also comes in from the side on a 914 instead of from the front like a VW.
Even the output CV joint flanges are slightly larger on the 914, since it used the CV joints from the Van instead of the bug. - Motorhead

3)   Yada Yada Yada,

NO -the 914 sourced parts from the Bus and the 411.

That stuff would required major cutting and welding to mount a 914 drive train.

ASE Cert Auto Tech, since 1978, 2003 GLI - sci

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Question 4
Starting problems with VW 1600 dual port motor?...  I have a bug with a 1600 dual port motor (engine code is AH), and it cranks, but won't start. I've double checked all the electrical, made sure it gets fuel, and checked the spark, and everything seems right. The only thing that doesn't seem quite right is that it cranks very slowly, even with a fully charged battery. Can this cause it to not start? And would the slow crank be the starter going out, or a different problem? Thanks

1)   There seems to be a problem if it is cranking slowly. It may be a starter motor issue and that is "sapping" power that should go to your HT circuit to fire the spark plugs. You could try a "slave" car/Battery and jump leads to see if that gets things going. - L G

2)   check the wire connections at your starter solenoid. if they dont have a good connection you wont get volts and it wont crank fast enough. if that doesnt help turn the ignition on and with a screw driver touch the 2 terminals together on the starter to see if that spins it fast enough. its probably a bad starter solenoid. - Air-Cooled (o\ ! /o)

3)   You need to do a starter draw test.
First make sure it is not binding, by turning it with a wrench on the alternator.
Then put a voltmeter across the battery.
It should read 12.5 at rest.
Then try to crank it.
It it drops below 10 or so, there is a problem.
If when you stop cranking it comes back to 12.5, it is excessive starter draw.
You could try the starter bushing and clean the commutator.
(The bushing is not in the starter, but in the bellhousing where the starter shaft rests.)
(It is usually easier to just replace a starter than to clean the commutator.)
If it does not come back up to 12.5, it is the battery.
If it does not drop below 11, it is a bad engine ground strap or dirty terminals.
(Since the engine is mounted on rubber, it is insulated and requires a braided copper ground strap from the transmission to body.)
(Battery terminals should be shiny and greased.) - Motorhead

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Question 5
parked my 1998 Vw in garage for 2 years , replaced battery engine wont catch, told not getting fire?...  in the past I always could just replace the battery and it would run, now it cranks but wont turn over.

1)   Check the spark plugs - i eat monkeys

2)   It is probably a fuel problem, but it could also be spark.
To easily test, try spraying lots of starting fluid down the air intake.
If it fires at all, then there is spark.
Listen for the fuel pump, open the test port to see if there is any pressure, put a gauge on it, etc.
It could just be the relay is bad from sitting. - Motorhead

3)   If it's been sitting for 2 years it may well be bad gas is the problem, stuff is highly volatile and evaporates over time. What you're left with in a lot of cases is varnish and deposits throughout the fuel system. If it's fuel injected you may need to pull the injectors and have them cleaned.If it's carburated you may have to get the carb rebuilt. If it fires up with the starting fluid you'll have your answer. If you can add some "fresh" fuel to the tank, as much as you can get in there to dilute the old gas that may help.

I'd also check and make sure you're getting spark, and check ALL the wiring, It's not impossible some "critters" got up under the hood and decided to make a home for themselves.They like to chew on wiring. Check the entire air intake as well for nests.It's a favorite place for them to settle in to your engine.

There's a product you can use if you store the vehicle on a regular basis called "Stabil" It's a fuel additive you put in before long term storage that prevents the fuel from gumming up the works.

We use it on our vehicles that get stored over the winter months. - Jim

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Friday, November 26, 2010

Hey :] just bought a VW Lupo 1.0.. was that a foolish choice for a first car? :S?

Question 1
Hey :] just bought a VW Lupo 1.0.. was that a foolish choice for a first car? :S?...  

1)   No its a VW so itll be fine... just dont take too many risks :) - Ten

2)   it is a very small car. Why do you want to drive it? - White Republican

3)   Doesn't seem a daft choice to me - it's small, so will be easier to handle and park than a larger car, it's only a 1.0 so will be cheaper to insure and won't cost you a fortune in petrol. Very sensible. - Gecko

4)   lupos are cool! as the first person said, VW is a good thing... but also take a look at how cool a lupo can look search on google images ;) !! - Sarah Ellis

5)   No. Lupos are decent wee cars. Bit different to all the Corsas and Saxos all your mates will have. - EvelynThe ModifiedDog.

6)   Only a foolish choice if you find the insurance is too much for you to afford. You should always check how much it will cost before buying the vehicle.

If you can afford it you will have great fun in it and it is a much better choice than the bland Corsa that most new drivers are stuck with. - who_is_jack_shit

7)   I think there are many people buying a first car who wish they had a Lupo, many can only aspire to having one ! I do not see a particularly negative comment to your question although there is time yet ! - L G

8)   Someone asked a similar question back in April on this forum. There was a mixed reaction then, but mostly positive.
Great fuel economy is nothing to be sneezed at in this time of rising prices. If you are happy & it is giving you no problems then don't worry. - Orienteer

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Question 2
i want to buy a 1968 beetle but i want it to be fast. how fast will 1200 cc go? 2276cc how fast will that go?...  i want to know how much horse power and what is the top speed the can go? also 0-60 would be nice. thank you. please help me out.

1)   well one at the track was running 11 second quarter miles. - ladystang

2)   zero to 60? those things wont go 60. - coffeend

3)   lol, you have no idea what you're getting into. the old air-cooled VW's had virtually no power at all, the best ones still only had about 50-60hp. my parents had a '74 when i was a kid, it couldn't even go 70mph and the 0-60 time was probably about a minute. certain companies make performance crate engines for these cars, and i've seen some that are decently quick, but the engines don't take kindly to excessive performance. you just need to understand that air-cooled VW's like the old Beetle are based on technology from the 1920's and 30's, it just can't handle the stresses of excessive horsepower. - Richard Ramirez

4)   because its such a weak and old car, you gonna spend over 3x its worth to put it on a track. - Vince Tam

5)   not designed to go fast, it's a slow car. u need to find an old porsche engine from a 911 to drop in. - ricardo9505

6)   a 1200 will do about 65mph with the stock tranny and 0-60 in about 30 seconds. and its going to put out about 35 hp (when it was new or freshly rebuilt) a 2276 will easily put out about 175-200 hp and with a stock tranny you can probably do 100mph but i wouldnt unless you want to throw a rod or spin a bearing. put a 2276cc and a gene berg 5 speed in there and have fun driving it at 140 mph and a 0-60 time of around 8 seconds - Air-Cooled (o\ ! /o)

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Question 3
is vw passat reliable?...  

1)   Yes - Mr.Gifford

2)   Yes if maintained properly. - Following the manufacturers service schedule. - pbleek

3)   i have a vw golf and its the most reliable car i have ever had vw KNOW HOW TO MAKE A CAR - BIG FELLA

4)   Well your question is a little vague, what year, what engine? I am a VW "nut" so I might sound biased but here is my opinion. The newer VW's are reliable but *can* have minor issues. These are not cars to ignore regular maintenance on but you'll find they drive and feel better than any comparable car in their class. My wife has an 03 and I drive an 06 Passat, both the 4 cylinder turbo models. Gas mileage is about 30 on the highway and they have all the power I would every want (the 03 is a 5 speed, 06 an automatic). Neither car has left us stranded ever. I had a 2001 Jetta that I bought new and put 134k until I sold it, it never left me stranded except once, the battery died. I know this is a rambling reply but, yes they can be reliable but need an owner who is willing to take care of their vehicle. If you are buying used consider a cetified pre-owned VW, the warranty is top notch. My car has 85k on it and is still under warranty! - easywind1975

5)   In a word, Yes. As everyone states, scheduled maintenance is essential (in all cars). If you have the car on the "extended long life" service, and just think about it, you need to have only 5 services in the first 100k miles ! That boils down to 5 or 6 years motoring for above average use, no brainer really . - L G

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Question 4
never driven an automatic before, i would like to drive smoothly and save petrol,intown?...  hyundia atos can you give me any tips

1)   I've driven an automatic for years and always thought they generally use more petrol but cans be they might be better in town. The thing about automatics is you often have to use the brakes a lot more, it doesn't always change when you think it should and there's often a bit of a delay when you 'kick-down' eg to overtake.

Some people don't like them because they prefer to have control - how about hiring one for a day or two to make sure it's really for you? - proud walker

2)   You wont save any fuel in town in a auto they drink petrol big time - BIG FELLA

3)   The problem with the small town cars with automatic gearboxes is they are painfully slow off the mark, taking an age to change up. They are not the smoothest of gear changes either- very jerky, poor fuel economy compared to the manual. So you may be better off sticking with a manual. I can understand why you would want an automatic for town use - I am grateful that the majority of Heavy Goods Vehicles now come with them as standard. A lot less tiring not having to swap up to 16 gears when fully freighted - I know you only use half of them!! - george d

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Question 5
What was that bug on my floor?...  It was brown and long.
It look like a fuzz of some sorts on the floor.
I went to blow it away, and it didn't move.
I tried to move it with my toe.
It moved really fast and i kicked it away.
I never saw it again

1)   Could be beetle larvae?

http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3379/3654008605_af764b75ab.jpg - Robert G

2)   Probably a Volkswagen Beetle. - Subo's ugly sister

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Which is the better car, 2010 Volkwagen Polo or Audi A1?

Question 1
Which is the better car, 2010 Volkwagen Polo or Audi A1?...  

1)   audi a1 - beybladeboii

2)   It's all a matter of personal choice. I would go for the polo. My reason, I've had one before and loved it. Never gave me any problems, always passed its M.O.T. - The Malxter

3)   this is like asking which is a better painting and selecting a monet or a da vinci.
each will have good points and debit points.
for everyday usage and cheaper running costs and not too steep a capital loss the Golf wins. for prestige, long distance comfort and handling etc an Audi wins.
so really you have to make own choice depending on what best fits you. - hornchurchmale

4)   Having driven neither its difficult to say. I would rather have the Audi for its image and its residual value will be strong. The Polo, an excellent car in its own right created as a market leader and in some quarters critically acclaimed as such against the Ford Fiesta. The Audi was created to tackle the BMW Mini car and not the mainstream mass produced vehicles. According to some reports it it is the best Supermini others state it is behind the Mini and laughably the Citroen C3. In a straight fight I would go for the Audi. - L G

5)   polo - Niki Spearman

6)   The Audi A1 IS a VW Polo under the fancy bodywork. - EvelynThe ModifiedDog.

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Question 2
Hey :] just bought a VW Lupo 1.0.. was that a foolish choice for a first car? :S?...  

1)   No its a VW so itll be fine... just dont take too many risks :) - Ten

2)   it is a very small car. Why do you want to drive it? - White Republican

3)   Doesn't seem a daft choice to me - it's small, so will be easier to handle and park than a larger car, it's only a 1.0 so will be cheaper to insure and won't cost you a fortune in petrol. Very sensible. - Gecko

4)   lupos are cool! as the first person said, VW is a good thing... but also take a look at how cool a lupo can look search on google images ;) !! - Sarah Ellis

5)   No. Lupos are decent wee cars. Bit different to all the Corsas and Saxos all your mates will have. - EvelynThe ModifiedDog.

6)   Only a foolish choice if you find the insurance is too much for you to afford. You should always check how much it will cost before buying the vehicle.

If you can afford it you will have great fun in it and it is a much better choice than the bland Corsa that most new drivers are stuck with. - who_is_jack_shit

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Question 3
is vw passat reliable?...  

1)   Yes - Mr.Gifford

2)   Yes if maintained properly. - Following the manufacturers service schedule. - pbleek

3)   i have a vw golf and its the most reliable car i have ever had vw KNOW HOW TO MAKE A CAR - BIG FELLA

4)   Well your question is a little vague, what year, what engine? I am a VW "nut" so I might sound biased but here is my opinion. The newer VW's are reliable but *can* have minor issues. These are not cars to ignore regular maintenance on but you'll find they drive and feel better than any comparable car in their class. My wife has an 03 and I drive an 06 Passat, both the 4 cylinder turbo models. Gas mileage is about 30 on the highway and they have all the power I would every want (the 03 is a 5 speed, 06 an automatic). Neither car has left us stranded ever. I had a 2001 Jetta that I bought new and put 134k until I sold it, it never left me stranded except once, the battery died. I know this is a rambling reply but, yes they can be reliable but need an owner who is willing to take care of their vehicle. If you are buying used consider a cetified pre-owned VW, the warranty is top notch. My car has 85k on it and is still under warranty! - easywind1975

5)   In a word, Yes. As everyone states, scheduled maintenance is essential (in all cars). If you have the car on the "extended long life" service, and just think about it, you need to have only 5 services in the first 100k miles ! That boils down to 5 or 6 years motoring for above average use, no brainer really . - L G

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Question 4
What weight of oil should I be using in my 1997 Golf?...  I have a Hane's manual but it does not confirm what weight and grade of oil I should be using in my 1997 Golf (4dr Trek) 2.0. Can anyone give me the straight poop? I use only Royal Purple and I think it was 10-30-5. I'm also willing to try Amsoil but that's it. Thanks.
Rick, I think that the weight Ryan suggested is what I have used in the past but I do burn about a Qt. every 45-60 days.

1)   i would suggest using 5w30 - Ryan

2)   On your car, because of the age, start with something mid-range, like the 10W-30. Keep an eye on the level until the next oil change. IF the engine has burned enough between oil changes that you needed to add some, then go up a step, to 20W-40, of so. If you change your own oil, you can mix some 10W-30 and 10W-40 to get 10W-35 ( +/- ), and try that. What you are aiming at is to use the thinness weight ( lowest number ) you can so you don't have to add any between oil changes. If it's a bit low when you change it, that's okay. Which of the big name synthetics you use is up to you, as any of them is way better then a street car will need. - rick29148

3)   My sister has a 2000 Golf. She uses plain ol' 10-30 W . Pennzoil or Quaker State, mostly.
She uses a Genuine VW oil filter too.
Oil changes are abt every 6000 miles for her. Her trusty lil Golf has over 140,000 reliable miles on it . - fenton

4)   http://www.golf-onsales.com is a professional golf online store.
And the seller is a good golf player! You can ask him such questions. - Ryan Yu

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Question 5
Would a mk2 golf 1.3 have power steering?...  also how much do you recon it would cost for a male of 17 years old too insure? thanks!

1)   Probably not given its age, but the advert should tell you. For a 17 year old lad, you're probably looking at £3-4000. - frey

2)   Very unlikely, nor does it need it unless you've got some sort of medical condition that makes your arms unusually weak. Small cars don't really need power steering.
Insurance might not be as bad as you'd think, if you can get it on a classic car policy which with a Mk2 Golf, you might. It'll still be over a grand but it might not be as much as the £2000-£3000 your mates will be paying for their nasty little Corsas. - EvelynThe ModifiedDog.

3)   Definitely no power steering. It wasn't even standard on the Mk2 GTi 8v, never mind the 1.3.
Power steering wasn't standard on the early lower-powered Mk3 Golfs either.

Only an insurance broker or insurance website can tell you how much it will cost to insure.
There are too many variables in insurance to give an indicative cost - you will need to go through the proper quote process. - Neil

4)   No power steering and I reckon you will have to part with about £1700 of your hard earned.If you name and adult (parent) on your policy it will bring the price down a little. You really need to get your quote first before you buy. It may be better going to see a "friendly" insurance broker who can best help rather than just looking at web searches and getting totally disillusioned ! - L G

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Which is the better car, 2010 Volkwagen Polo or Audi A1?

Question 1
Which is the better car, 2010 Volkwagen Polo or Audi A1?...  

1)   audi a1 - beybladeboii

2)   It's all a matter of personal choice. I would go for the polo. My reason, I've had one before and loved it. Never gave me any problems, always passed its M.O.T. - The Malxter

3)   this is like asking which is a better painting and selecting a monet or a da vinci.
each will have good points and debit points.
for everyday usage and cheaper running costs and not too steep a capital loss the Golf wins. for prestige, long distance comfort and handling etc an Audi wins.
so really you have to make own choice depending on what best fits you. - hornchurchmale

4)   Having driven neither its difficult to say. I would rather have the Audi for its image and its residual value will be strong. The Polo, an excellent car in its own right created as a market leader and in some quarters critically acclaimed as such against the Ford Fiesta. The Audi was created to tackle the BMW Mini car and not the mainstream mass produced vehicles. According to some reports it it is the best Supermini others state it is behind the Mini and laughably the Citroen C3. In a straight fight I would go for the Audi. - L G

5)   polo - Niki Spearman

6)   The Audi A1 IS a VW Polo under the fancy bodywork. - EvelynThe ModifiedDog.

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Question 2
what color for a 69 vw bug?...  I am painting my bug this week and i am trying to find a nice classic color to paint it. any suggestions

1)   honestly im only answering because i saw 69. im kind of dissapointed now.... way to ruin my day - 3ch0

2)   Maybe a metallic purple
http://www.bumpstop.com/gallery/data/506/medium/1969_beetle.jpg ( the color of the hood ) - Graham

3)   YELLOW - Ian

4)   green - Mark White

5)   I think the best vehicles are two tone. Keep the colours light, cream or old english white on the bottom with a VW green or blue. - twentyseven-fortyone

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Question 3
volkswagen GTI 5 speed problems?...  I have a 98 Volkswagen GTI and it seems that when i reach 3,000 rpm the car seems to putt real bad but if i let off the gas for a second it gives the engine time to recoup and it fixes itself. It does it in every gear, its a manuel by the way

1)   Check the exhaust manifolds for cracks and leaks.

Depending on the engine the pipes often go from 4 pipes to 2 pipes to 1 pipe - the 1 pipe runs under the body and to the other end and is known as the exhaust.

So you may need to check the whole exhaust pipe as well.

Photo example of a manifold:


Sometimes a manifold can also leak hot exhaust gases due to rust. So also check for rust.
This would be a good place to start the checks. - G

2)   You really need to get it plugged into a diagnostic unit. You can spend much time and money guessing and still not get the correct result whereas the diagnostics can pinpoint the problem straightaway. - L G

3)   Go here.


And use the search. Then if you can't find anything post a thread.

Fair warning. Since you'll be a n0ob you may get flamed but don't worry about it, if your question isn't stupid and you aren't saying "heeeeeeellllppp!!!" or anything of the sort someone will come along and help.

Is your check engine light on? If so go to autozone and ask them to pull the codes. You can see the problem lies with your mass air sensor but unplugging it and seeing if the car runs smoother (at idle). Find your airbox. See that black hose running to it? Now see where something is plugged into that black hose? That's the MAF, unplug it and see what happens. A cam position or knock sensor could be the culprit as well. - Nick

4)   It doesen't hurt to check for exhaust leaks first as it only takes a moment with the help of a friend. Ask them to hold a piece of rag over the end of the exhaust pipe while the engine is running. The exhaust gas pressure will hiss from any holes instantly. If there are holes go to your exhaust specialist, if not go to your garage. - twentyseven-fortyone

5)   Plugged catalytic Converter?

Sure sounds like it and it will get worse.

ASE Cert Auto Tech, since 1978, 2003 GLI

Had MK II 16V's for 21 years - sci

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Question 4
Is Penzoil Platinum synthetic good for VW?...  What's the best besides Castrol

1)   it is very good for vw. you can also go for mobil, shell, petronas, total beside castrol. - Sanjeev Sharma

2)   With today's technology practically all motor oils are good. People have their own preference though, kinda of like the Ford Chevy thing. - Larry E

3)   Choosing the correct weight is the most important aspect of choosing an engine oil. Most modern VWs run on 0w40 or 5w40 synthetic oil. If I remember correctly though, the Penzoil Platinum only comes in a 10w40 or 5w30.
I personally like Shell Rotella T-6 5w40. Its cheap at around $20/gal and available at wal-mart. I do occasionally run the Castrol Syntec as well when I find it on sale. - Alex S

4)   it depends. If its a late model like 2009 -2010 2.0T like a GTI or JETTA you must use FULL Synthetic (it comes with Full Synt from the factory and is recommended by VW) You shouldnt switch once you have Full synth in an engine or at least not back and forth. Earlier models u may be able to use blends or good ol' 10w 30. Check you manual. - Paul G

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Question 5
What weight of oil should I be using in my 1997 Golf?...  I have a Hane's manual but it does not confirm what weight and grade of oil I should be using in my 1997 Golf (4dr Trek) 2.0. Can anyone give me the straight poop? I use only Royal Purple and I think it was 10-30-5. I'm also willing to try Amsoil but that's it. Thanks.
Rick, I think that the weight Ryan suggested is what I have used in the past but I do burn about a Qt. every 45-60 days.

1)   i would suggest using 5w30 - Ryan

2)   On your car, because of the age, start with something mid-range, like the 10W-30. Keep an eye on the level until the next oil change. IF the engine has burned enough between oil changes that you needed to add some, then go up a step, to 20W-40, of so. If you change your own oil, you can mix some 10W-30 and 10W-40 to get 10W-35 ( +/- ), and try that. What you are aiming at is to use the thinness weight ( lowest number ) you can so you don't have to add any between oil changes. If it's a bit low when you change it, that's okay. Which of the big name synthetics you use is up to you, as any of them is way better then a street car will need. - rick29148

3)   My sister has a 2000 Golf. She uses plain ol' 10-30 W . Pennzoil or Quaker State, mostly.
She uses a Genuine VW oil filter too.
Oil changes are abt every 6000 miles for her. Her trusty lil Golf has over 140,000 reliable miles on it . - fenton

4)   http://www.golf-onsales.com is a professional golf online store.
And the seller is a good golf player! You can ask him such questions. - Ryan Yu

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

what color for a 69 vw bug?

Question 1
what color for a 69 vw bug?...  I am painting my bug this week and i am trying to find a nice classic color to paint it. any suggestions

1)   honestly im only answering because i saw 69. im kind of dissapointed now.... way to ruin my day - 3ch0

2)   Maybe a metallic purple
http://www.bumpstop.com/gallery/data/506/medium/1969_beetle.jpg ( the color of the hood ) - Graham

3)   YELLOW - Ian

4)   green - Mark White

5)   I think the best vehicles are two tone. Keep the colours light, cream or old english white on the bottom with a VW green or blue. - twentyseven-fortyone

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Question 2
Is a VW GTi or Rabbit a good car to buy?...  What are your opinions of these two cars? Do they handle well in the winter? Would either of them be a good car to buy?

1)   No. VW is notorious for over priced maint & repairs, and some models arent reliable.

Honda has been one of Consumer Reports most reliable brands. - Squeaky Wheeler

2)   they are great cars there sporty,handle great,roomy,and dependable. Plus the reviews on them are very good and hold there value. - jack

3)   It is a car that may not be perfectly reliable but it will win you over with its engine and overall performance...When you want it to be smooth and comfortable it will obey while when you would like it to become wild it will again obey..
I don't know exactly how much maintenance cost are in the US but in EU it is within limits of equivalent cars.. - fre_flyer

4)   You should also consider that such a car may be expensive to insure. Check your insurance rates before buying one, for example here - carquotes.fateback.com - William

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Question 3
volkswagen GTI 5 speed problems?...  I have a 98 Volkswagen GTI and it seems that when i reach 3,000 rpm the car seems to putt real bad but if i let off the gas for a second it gives the engine time to recoup and it fixes itself. It does it in every gear, its a manuel by the way

1)   Check the exhaust manifolds for cracks and leaks.

Depending on the engine the pipes often go from 4 pipes to 2 pipes to 1 pipe - the 1 pipe runs under the body and to the other end and is known as the exhaust.

So you may need to check the whole exhaust pipe as well.

Photo example of a manifold:


Sometimes a manifold can also leak hot exhaust gases due to rust. So also check for rust.
This would be a good place to start the checks. - G

2)   You really need to get it plugged into a diagnostic unit. You can spend much time and money guessing and still not get the correct result whereas the diagnostics can pinpoint the problem straightaway. - L G

3)   Go here.


And use the search. Then if you can't find anything post a thread.

Fair warning. Since you'll be a n0ob you may get flamed but don't worry about it, if your question isn't stupid and you aren't saying "heeeeeeellllppp!!!" or anything of the sort someone will come along and help.

Is your check engine light on? If so go to autozone and ask them to pull the codes. You can see the problem lies with your mass air sensor but unplugging it and seeing if the car runs smoother (at idle). Find your airbox. See that black hose running to it? Now see where something is plugged into that black hose? That's the MAF, unplug it and see what happens. A cam position or knock sensor could be the culprit as well. - Nick

4)   It doesen't hurt to check for exhaust leaks first as it only takes a moment with the help of a friend. Ask them to hold a piece of rag over the end of the exhaust pipe while the engine is running. The exhaust gas pressure will hiss from any holes instantly. If there are holes go to your exhaust specialist, if not go to your garage. - twentyseven-fortyone

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Question 4
Is it okay to put smaller winter tires on my 07 VW GTI?...  I currently using the OEM 18 inches wheels with summer tires on. I am wondering if it's ok to use a set of 16 inches wheels with winter tires on. Do I need to do something with the abs or the computer?

1)   The possible problems with using a smaller diameter wheel is that it will lower the vehicle, maybe making it more difficult to drive in the snow; also, the smaller wheels may have clearance issues with brake rotors - Happy Gramps

2)   Using 16 inch is ok and probably preferable. Go to narrower tires with taller aspect ratios (70 series) to try and match the diameter of the 18s. That usually is indicated in the tire specs as "revolutions per mile". (match to your 18s) Narrower winter tires are better because they push through snow easier and with a smaller patch (higher contact pressure) they grip snow and ice better. I don't think you CAN do anything to the abs or computer. As long as you fairly closely match the diameter - everything will be fine.
Oh - do make sure you have brake caliper clearance for the 16's. Might be getting close. - Thomas E

3)   Not all 16" wheels will clear the brakes on your car. Although the brake rotor in the front is a larger diameter, it's usually the rear calipers that interfere with wheels that don't have the right spoke design. As far as smaller tires, you will be fine as long as you purchase the right size. In order to match the rolling diameter of your stock 225/40 R18s, you will want to buy either 205/55 R16s for 16" wheels, or 225/45 R17s for 17" wheels. The ABS and traction control computer only really gets confused when you start putting tires with different diameters at different corners. - gti_4cefed4

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Question 5
Is Penzoil Platinum synthetic good for VW?...  What's the best besides Castrol

1)   it is very good for vw. you can also go for mobil, shell, petronas, total beside castrol. - Sanjeev Sharma

2)   With today's technology practically all motor oils are good. People have their own preference though, kinda of like the Ford Chevy thing. - Larry E

3)   Choosing the correct weight is the most important aspect of choosing an engine oil. Most modern VWs run on 0w40 or 5w40 synthetic oil. If I remember correctly though, the Penzoil Platinum only comes in a 10w40 or 5w30.
I personally like Shell Rotella T-6 5w40. Its cheap at around $20/gal and available at wal-mart. I do occasionally run the Castrol Syntec as well when I find it on sale. - Alex S

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Monday, November 22, 2010

What kind of oil do i need in my 2000 VW Passat?

Question 1
What kind of oil do i need in my 2000 VW Passat?...  Do I HAVE to use synthetic oil in my car? Like absolute have to use it?
Or can I use the normal stuff?
Best answer get all 10pts
Thank you

1)   Dont do this yourself or let anyone other than VW do it.

The oil-filter change is one of the most important things the name-brand dealer should do, VW in this case, cuz they include a multi-point vehicle check which is very valuable preventively.

My understand is synthetic is best, but there's debate on it. I use it, but not in a VW. - Squeaky Wheeler

2)   Yes, if you have the 1.8T engine you absolutely have to use synthetic. The 1.8T is a known sludge engine, because of the heat generated by the turbo and the engine design, the engine will sludge regardless of how often you change your conventional oil. Synthetic has a much higher flash point and will not form sludge. Because of the packaging the Passat has a further problem, the sump capacity is 1 quart less in this car as compared to the 1.8T capacity in a Jetta or Golf or Audi A4. This makes the sludge problem worse as it puts extra strain on the oil. VW was slow to address the sludge issue, but finally in 2004 they made synthetic oil mandatory for this engine.
Another issue is the turbo, when you shut off the engine the turbocharger is still spinning at speed, even if you are diligent about idling the engine down before you turn it off. Once you shut off the engine the spinning turbo has a tendency to cook the oil left in the bearings, the higher flash point of the synthetic will prolong the life of your turbocharger. - pbleek

3)   Here's the deal; since 1998, with the exception of the 2.0 liter NON turbo 4 cylinder motor, all VW motors including the diesel have required synthetic oils that meet various VW-Audi standards. The standards have been everything from 500.00 to 507.00, depending upon year and type of fuel used. All current VW motors including the 2.5 liter, 5 cylinder require a synthetic oil of one sort or another.

All the previous standards have been consolated into a few new standards; 502.00 for gasolene engines including 2002; standard 504.00 for gasolene engines since 2003; 505.01 for diesel motors 2003 and prior; 507.00 for diesels 2004 and later. This applies to vehicles sold in the North American market.

Most oils sold in the USA market DO NOT MEET THE VW standards of any type. For your vehicle, unless it is a diesel, you'd use a oil that meets 502.00 standard. The easiest found oil is Mobil 1 European Formula, which is sold nation wide thru Walmart stores. The retail price is somewhere between 6-7 USD, depending upon the location of the store. Independent part stores have different pricing; I've seen the Mobil 1 European formula for as much as $10 USD in some places. Now, some manufacturers claim that their oil may meet the VW-Audi standard, but my take on this is, if its not on the list, then its not an approved oil. Almost every European make sold in the USA-Canada has required synthetic oil in their motors since 1998 or in some cases (MB and BMW a lot earlier than that)...

I have spent twenty-five years+ (on and off) in Volkswagen dealership service departments and can tell you that VW has looked for any way possible not to cover powertrain warranty claims and that includes the usage of incorrect or non-approved oils in the engine or transmission. I regularly check with various oil suppliers to see if their product has been tested and approved by VW-Audi to meet various standards. I have been a tech, service advisor, a service manager and even a short stint as a VW parts person.

You can check this list of approved oils on this Audi TSB circular and see if the oil you are using is approved: http://www.audi.usa.com/etc/medialib/cms4imp/audi2/aoa/company/aoa-specific.Par.0023.File.pdf

In addition, if you have a Passat, your vehicle requires Premium fuel of at least 91 octane as per VW specifications.

(just so that you know, I answered a similiar question like this last week with regards to oil type required) - a car nut

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Question 2
Where to find an old VW Kombi bus/van?...  I'm 14, but for my 16th birthday I would love to get one of those VW busses/vans from the 60s. I've been looking at em' for a while and I wouldn't neccessarily say it has to be a Kombi, but something along the same lines, ya know? It can't be too much, but please, anybody who knows where I can find one reasonably priced ( and not one that's like, junk. I'm not gonna be able to have it fixed up and stuff. The interior maybe, but...) let me know!
Thanks so much! (:

1)   Try this site:http://www.sunsetclassics.com/1961-vw-kombi-bus/
I would also recommend checking ebay or craigslist - #1 Mythbuster fan

2)   here ya go! heres about 575 of them from all over the world

http://www.thesamba.com/vw/classifieds/search.php?submit=yes&keywords=&type=text&stype=all&username=&yearfrom=&yearto=&pricefrom=&priceto=&model[]=&section[]=5&wanted=show&zip=&zipdist=0&state[]=&usaregion=&country=&sort=date&sort_order=DESC&submitButton=Search - Air-Cooled (o\ ! /o)

3)   Hey Twilight,

Reality check here... You are talking about a vintage vehicle that's appreciated in value considerably. Any 60's era Volkswagen van in reasonably good condition is NOT going to be cheap.

Personally? I would be leery of anything advertised in your local paper or on Craigslist. While it's not impossible to find a "deal" I'd be sure to have any vehicle you find checked out very thoroughly before you buy it. I'd start looking for a good shop or mechanic now. Some one or some place that has a good reputation and who knows VW's inside out, upside down and sideways.

I'd start your search on The Samba or thesamba.com Most all the folks there are VW enthusiasts and pretty up front about what they have for sale. There are also many useful forums on the site as well.

While VW vans have a certain "cachet" and can be a blast to drive there are certain realities you need to take into account.

The driving position is different, your butt is right up over the front wheels. VW vans can be a real handful to drive and even more so in a cross wind.

This is a vehicle that you really have to learn to DRIVE in the truest sense of the word.

That means no distractions whatsoever, no texting, no cell phone use, no eating while driving etc. If you're not paying attention to your van or your driving ? You can end up killing the van and yourself. You're going to be busy enough shifting and steering. YOU HAVE TO PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR VEHICLE AND YOUR DRIVING! And not allow yourself to become distracted. You also have to learn about your van and actually listen to what it's trying to tell you.

60's era vans are not the safest vehicles on the road and you definitely want to avoid front end collisions. You need to learn to drive defensively and develop good driving habits right away if you want to survive your first year, hell... Your first week, driving this thing.

VW vans are grossly underpowered. This will have you in the far left lane in third gear doing 40-45MPH tops up any long hill. VW's are very short on amenities. Air Conditioning? Cruise control? Forget it. Anti-lock brakes? Nope. Heating and ventilation are marginal at best.

Is there an upside to all this? Well yes. You end up with a very versatile and unique vehicle. They're fairly easy to work on with simple hand tools and a good repair manual. There's a lot of repairs and servicing you can do yourself. If you survive your first year of ownership? It's because learned to drive properly and defensively and that's a good thing! Your vehicle will probably appreciate in value but... Only if it's well cared for. You will also accumulate smiles wherever you go.

Good luck! - Jim

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Question 3
Is a VW GTi or Rabbit a good car to buy?...  What are your opinions of these two cars? Do they handle well in the winter? Would either of them be a good car to buy?

1)   No. VW is notorious for over priced maint & repairs, and some models arent reliable.

Honda has been one of Consumer Reports most reliable brands. - Squeaky Wheeler

2)   they are great cars there sporty,handle great,roomy,and dependable. Plus the reviews on them are very good and hold there value. - jack

3)   It is a car that may not be perfectly reliable but it will win you over with its engine and overall performance...When you want it to be smooth and comfortable it will obey while when you would like it to become wild it will again obey..
I don't know exactly how much maintenance cost are in the US but in EU it is within limits of equivalent cars.. - fre_flyer

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Question 4
VW Bus registration in CA?...  I am planning on buying a 73 VW bus. It was owned by a lady and registered in oregon. She sold it to a guy in california and signed the pink slip. He did not put it in his name and he is selling it. He has the pink slip with her signature. How would i go about registering it? is it even possible?

1)   If I told you how easy it is to get a job in this recession, you wouldn't believe me. But the truth is more employers are going online to find people just like you and me who are ready to work at a good job (one that pays good!). The only thing that makes sense is to stop wasting time driving around all day filling out a dozen applications and going from one boring low paying job to another. I found this site that pretty much matches you up with your dream job that is available in your city right now. I have found it very helpful. Go to FindMeJobNow.com - Jonelle Vignola

2)   contact your local DMV and ask them what you need to do to be able to register the vehicle - old man on the hill

3)   The good news is that you don't need a smog.... You might be opening a can of worms, depending upon several factors. Is the vehicle currently registered? Is the current seller going to give you a bill of sale? Is the current owner willing to fill out a statement of facts and/or does he have a bill of sale from the previous owner?

It is possible to get it registered fairly easily as long as you have the title certificate. The cost and difficulty will depend upon how you answer the above questions. Because of the nature of this transaction, you'll need to go to the DMV do it. Your degree of difficulty may even depend upon who get at the local office. What I can tell you is that smaller DMV offices in general tend to be easier to deal with than larger ones. If you can obtain more details and answer the above questions, I'll try edit my answer to assist you further. - a car nut

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Question 5

1)   Could be ano one of a number of things, ABS, engine management, automatic gearbox, airbag, brakes, low fuel etc....

Want to tell us what the warning light looks like, colour, symbols etc? - EvelynThe ModifiedDog.

2)   Have you lost the manual? - Tedward

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