Am i going to have problems if i buy a Volkswagen beetle new version and it has 100,000 miles?... My parents are buying me a used buggie because the insurance on a new one is too high. the problem is its a standard and it has 100,000 miles and they are worried about how reliable it maybe. Is the high insurance a better choice or is it going to last? i only need it to go to college 45 min away and come home on occasion.
1) Problems are likely. Better choice is a Honda. - Ya-who?
2) I would not purchased a used car with 100,000 miles on it. It's going to give you a lot of repair costs. - Nesquick
3) that's a lot of miles , it depends on how it has been looked after, if it doesn't have a full service history from a dealer don't bother, or you might spend more time repairing it than driving it - Harley Drive
4) of course you would have probelms. if you decide to say how cares its a new car, then donttravel any where car beacause it will probably break down how about you find a diferent used car with less miles. good luuck! - *shortyjordy*
5) Of course you will have problems, I don't know of any car that won't give you problems of some sort eventually. Now how severe of problems is anyone's guess. 100,000 miles is nothing on today's cars, IF the car was well maintained, and it also depends on what kind of driving gave the car that many miles. If it was all highway miles then the car still has another 100,000 miles of life. If it was used as a taxi in the city, then I would stay clear. Check the driver's door seal, and brake pedal for wear. If the door seal is worn, then the car was used for a lot of short trips, if the brake pedal pad is worn, then it was in a lot of stop and go traffic. If the car looks good, and is a good price, I wouldn't turn it down. - Shane A
6) The New Beetle my wife and I drove for many years and 90,000 reliable fun filled miles was a true icon of economy.
However, even a Honda, Toyota, etc will begin to have to have some parts replacement at 100k miles.
Have the NB inspected by a reputable mechanic .
We are confident that our NB would have given us many more years of pleasurable driving, but we needed a larger car as our family was 'expanding'....
The NB was so good , we decided to stick with VW and so we purchased a Jetta. Our decision was proven correct as the 05 Jetta is a superlative car too!
Hope the NB is a good example and if you do opt for it that your ownership is as happy as ours was..... - fenton
7) For a European car, 100,00 miles is nothing. Any car can have a problem at any time, regardless of miles, higher miles can put the car at more risk for problems. But this is not always true. - kid286
8) A VW with 100K on it is just breaking in! Just make sure the car has got good service records, so you know what all has been done to it, and what needs to be done. Make sure the timing belt, water pump and tensioner has been changed, or it will cost around $700 to get done. If you dont, the engine will go BOOM and cost lots of money! If it has been done, you can easily get another 75-100K out of it with just normal maintenance! - onlyoldiron4me
Question 2
I have a 1973 Volkswagen Beetle and the engine has not been turned over for 3years ...?... Is the started motor jammed? If so how do I address the problem ... The battery is fully charged and all the lights come on . HELP
1) You're Q is incomplete!
So do you mean that you tried to start it and it doesn't turn over?
Grab the main pulley, where the belt is attached to, and try to turn the engine by hand. If the engine is not frozen, you should be able to do it with ease. If it turns, then you're in good shape. if it doesn't, then you're in big trouble.
So if it turns, make sure the battery terminals attached to the battery are sanded and clean. No gunk or corrosion should be on there.
if it still doesn't turn over, then my next guess would be that your starter solenoid has jammed. Try banging on it with a hammer or something heavy. Don't break it, you're just trying to loosen the internals. Then try starting it again. Or while some one is turning the switch to the starter position, crawl under the car and bang the starter.
If it doesn't work again, call a mechanic - I Told You SO
2) Take out the plugs and put a squirt of light oil down the plug holes. This will lubricate the pistons,rings and bores. Then try your start! - Big John
3) remove the plugs and put some Redex in each cyl leave say over night, then with a suitable tool turn the engine over a few times manually,ok now turn over with the key with the plugs still out,clean the plugs with wire brush set the gap and replace now you are ready to start the car. - J R
4) once you get your car started, i have got a funny feeling that you wont be going far due to your brakes would be seized especially if the car has been lying outside,
if you get a couple of guys to rock the car forward and backwards while your trying to start her, that might get the starter motor loose, i had to do it when i had my last car off the road for about 6-8 months, - snuff hunter
5) I would do like the others say and lube it before you turn it over.
Put the transmission in gear. Push the car forward. This will turn the engine over. OR you can go to the engine and turn it over by hand at the pulley. Place a socket on the lower pulley bolt and try to turn it (car in neutral) if it turns over, the starter is bad or a wire is not hooked up. The starter is on the pass. side behind the engine (the top right engine mounting bolt also holds the starter in place). Make sure the starter has a fat wire connected to the battery and a smaller wire with a female spade connector plugged into the top of the starter solenoid (this wire goes to the ignition). If the smaller wire is not there, you can make a "jumper" wire and go from the terminal to the fat wire at the starter. This will make the starter turn over as long as it is not bad.
Good Luck!
I bought my 1973 Thing after it had been wrecked and sitting for years. I lubed it up, tuned it up, adjusted the valves and now I drive it every day. I did not have to put any money into the engine to get it running! - Rod Knocker
Question 3
Black or silver Volkswagen Jetta?...
1) You gotta go with what YOU like bro. Not random people on here.
But since you asked, my personal fave is black. With blacked rims, not trashy ones but nice clean ones. Idk, it just looks mean. - RacoonNinja
2) I would go with the black, silver cars are the most likely to get in an accident, because they blend in with the road! - onlyoldiron4me
3) Charcoal grey. - djaca70
4) Black. I have black car, and when it is clean it gets the looks from everyone. Silver are too common. - Zoolander900
Question 4
Are Volkswagen Beetles safe ?... I was really thinking about getting like a 2006- 2009 Volkswagen Beetle ..... BUT... Today, I was looking at one and it just looks like it could crush SO easy .. Like the front end is so small... So are they really safe cars ? I am highly concerned about the safety of the new Volkswagen Beetles.....
1) Volkswagen are known for building safe cars. In a front end crash the front end is designed to crumble in the front and not affect the passengers in the car. If you look up safety tests you can find one of the beetle. - benson
2) After many decades in emergency services the only word that I can come up with is NO!
Possibly slightly safer than a "Smart Car" - rottendog93
3) short answer, yes they are.They recieved good ratings in all of the cirteria for frontal impacts. However, they did not do so well in the side impact tests, but the newer models perform better thanks to better airbags. interestingly enough, smart cars are actually quite safe as a result of the safety cage that is integral to the design...i love know-it-alls. For future reference, the IIHS is the go to site for questions like this. - Dude
Question 5
Carpet kit for a '96 Volkswagen Cabrio?... I can find plenty of places to get a carpet kit for a mid 80s-1994 cabriolet, but I need one for a '96. Does anyone make one? Will one for a '94 work? I've heard the '96 Cabrio referred to as a "Golf Cabrio". Would a carpet kit for a 2-door Golf fit? Any genuine advice is appreciated.
1) I checked 15 carpet catalogs and no listings , I'd compare yours to the Golf I'm betting that it will fit - Fire1427
2) Golf/Cabrio. Same thing. A couple of my friends have 98's one cabrio, one golf. no difference - kid286
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