Is hard to learn stick on a jetta?... I am really thinking of getting a vw jetta manual 5 speed and i've had some practice on an Toyota and I was wondering of the jettas are hard to learn on or if there quite easy to learn on I am thinking about getting an 2000 12v jetta also any tips will help
1) all sticks are about the same... - Chrys
2) it's not hard, its just following a pattern, plus using a clutch, which would be smoother in a new car - Hannah
3) No - Pickles
4) On the contrary man, its easier than most cars.
VWs have a very easy, smooth clutch. Lower to the ground than most cars. - JanM
5) chrys sez it...most the same gas pedal,,clutch,,,shifter.....some clutches harder/softer,,,,some engage fast/some slow......take ur time,,,practice in a quiet place.[big parking lot or back road - pedro7of9
6) i learned how to drive stick on a 93 jetta and have had vws ever since i have a 6 speed gti now but vowlkswagens are a perfect car to learn on its all about learning where the clutch catches and basically just practicing - RJ
7) If you drive 1 you can drive them all. I learned in an hour - curtis h
Question 2
are vw beetles expensive to fix?...
1) Depends on the year of the VW. The older ones are very cheap to operate and maintain. The later models can be expensive. When you start getting into the fuel injection systems, smog equipment get complicated and therefore expensive. - Skyhawk
2) Basically everything automotive is expensive to fix but your answer depends upon if you are referring to the "old" air-cooled Beetle or the new water-cooled Beetle. The old ones are easy to work on but it is getting difficult to find parts these days. The new Beetles have the standard 1.8 engine used in the Golf and Jetta and they are pricey to repair. - Don S
3) The answer depends on 2 things.
1. Are you good with your hands and have the average tool kit?
2. Did you buy a owners repair manual for the car?
If you have the skill, the tools, and the book (Bentley for VW) then there isn't too much you can't fix on a VW. They are well thought out and are easy to maintain than some others I have worked on.
With proper maintenance, regular oil changes and such they are very dependable.
If you plan on having the car serviced by a mechanic, then you need to shop around for a reasonable and trusty shop - Briano
4) In my experience all VWubs are expensive to fix. And to me they are a pain to work on. Owned 3 of them. All have gone down the drain. Will never own one again in my life. - baddogjmh
5) I must assume that you are talking about the "NEW Beetle," not the old air cooled models. If so, the answer is a qualified yes. The problem is the shape of the body; access to almost anything under the hood is difficult because of the limited space caused by the shape of the body.
As an example, the battery is somewhat tucked into the left front area, so it is more difficult to replace a battery on New Beetle, vs. a Jetta/Golf. Also, the headlight bulbs require removal of the headlights to replace the bulbs, as does the tail light bulbs. All of this means that the New Beetle takes more time to service/repair and in my service experience, you figure that for many labour operations under the hood, it adds 10-25% additional time compared to a Jetta or Golf of the same year and drivetrain.
I hope this helps, a car nut. - a car nut
Question 3
i have a r reg vw polo diesel i have put a new battery on it and have had the glow plugs checked?... but it is still hard to start some days. the light on the dash board to tell me that the glow plugs are hot enough goes out with in about 1 i turn the ignition on and count to 10 before i start the car anybody got any idea what is up with the car
i have tryed that but that makes it worse to me the glow plugs are not staying on long enough the the light goes out as quick as the battery light does
1) Do not count 10, start it as soon as the glow light goes off - while you wait they are cooling off - Timbo is here
2) timbo is right start right when the light goes off so try that it should work - Christian
3) Perhaps the temperature sensors are not working properly? If the car thinks the cylinders are warm, it won't turn on the glow plugs. - PoliPino
Question 4
Cheap alternator for 2001 VW GTI VR6 2.8L?... My alternator decided to crap out on me, and I can't afford the steep $279 prices of Auto Zone. Also, I'm pretty much illiterate when it comes to cars, so I really have no idea what to even look for. All I really want is an alternator that will fit my car and work, for as little money as possible. Installation isn't an issue, just finding one for cheap.
1) auto salvage yard or a alternator rebuild shop only bet - kelly_f_1999
2) You should be able to get a rebuilt one online or locally for no more than 150 dollars. and don't forget that your old one is worth about 75 dollars which the shop will rebuild and sell. - rayo_ca
3) Keep in mind that you wanted cheap when your replacing it again in 4 months. $279 is not all that bad.Look in your local phone book and find a re-builder and ask them how much they will charge you. - uthockey32
Question 5
Why do European cars have a habit of breaking down more often?... But why do Japanese & Korean cars last for a real long time,where's our cars quality is somewhere in between,leaning to the European side. I'm wondering whether this is a business decision on the Europeans part to encourage more folks to buy their cars more often or what! I still think the Europeans can & should build cars @ least as good as the Asian car makers,Right!?
1) well, the truth is, all cars sold in mass production are made by machine. I believe it is the high end technology in Japan that makes their car stronger and last longer. And by manmade, lamborghini's and ferrari's are excluded in that group. People use the term european instead of some really crappy cars like peguot and skoda (which are polish and french)i think people use european cars as a general term. - soccermaster12
2) They do? Not the ones I've owned that's for sure.
Its the luck of the draw. I was blessed with 2 Europeans cars that travelled well over 600,000kms both gas , not diesel - curtis h
3) In my family's experience , our cars are woderfully reliable. We have driven over 162,000 durable miles on our VWs!
Maintenance is quite inexpensive too. All we do is change oil/filter , change timing belt at abt. 80,000 miles .
So for us, VWs are the best!! - fenton
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