HOW MUCH SHOULD MY CAR TAX BE ,,I HAVE A VW 1.4 BEETLE CONVERTIBLE 2005 ,, MY CAR TAX SEEMS TO BE STEEP?... my boyfriend has a audi 2.0 2005 and his is the same price any ideas
1) Goes on emissions after feb 2000 on petrol cars - wayne
2) Your car tax is now calculated on engine size and pollution creation so if your car produces as much CO2 as your boyfriends, that's why the tax is the same. - DMsView
3) Your Results
Volkswagen Beetle Cabriolet (03 on)
1.4 2d
Rates effective from 1 May 2009
Date of Registration 6 Months 12 Months Band CO2 (g/km)
23 Jun 2003 – 20 Jun 2005 £96.25 £175.00 H 173
Rates effective from April 2010
Date of Registration 6 Months 12 Months Band CO2 (g/km)
23 Jun 2003 – 20 Jun 2005 £99.00 £180.00 H 173 - echo
4) Band H / £175 The Audi is only just in the same band - Pete F
5) It should be £175 for 12 months or £96.25 for 6 months
Your bf's car should be £150 for 12 months or £125 if he has the latest start stop version.
This is due to the A4 actually being less polluting than the 1.4 Beetle as this is how the tax is calculated - Timbo is here
6) This varies from state to sate. If the state charges you on the value of the car, you can see if you are being over charged. the DMV in most states will take the high KBB of the car and then charge you tax on that. SO lets say your VW is worth 12500 and you are being taxed 15% your taxes would come out to be $1875. now if your state goes of a uniform fee, you would pay the same price as a like car of the same year. so if your friend has a 05 sedan, and you have an 05 sedan, you would both pay the same rate. Move DMV web sites will have this information listed and how they calculate the taxes. check out the DMV for your area. - gearnofear
7) It should be $49,384 - Joe K
8) While all the answers are correct in their own way, the only way your going to get the right one is to get in touch with your local tax collector.
Each state and country has their own reg's on stats for cars. - DR DEAL
Question 2
two of myt friends were having a disagreement, one says dub is slang for bmw other says its slang for vw?... who is right?
1) We always said it for VW - Trish
2) dub means 20 bagg of weed. =D - amynadinexo
3) Neither.
Dub is simply the shortened version of W.
So, whether it's V-Dub, BMDub, it still requires something else to be used for either one of those.
But the common use, is for wheels. Not for cars.
So both of your friends are incorrect. - Vipassana
4) usually means about the tires / rims. Rollin on DUBS..but being slang theres prob 3242830 diff meanings for it - .:LynN:.
5) The word "dub" is not slang for BMW. We call them "Beamers". - Joe K
6) vw...
beemer for bmw - onetomtom
7) vw - movana
8) The one that says it's for VW, there never was any nick name for BMW other then " BEEMER "
VWs have been always called a slang term of a "Dub" . - DR DEAL
Question 3
Where would a vacuum leak in a Air-cooled VW most likely be?...
The car is a 71
1) iwould check the inlet manifold gasket. what year is the engine - movana
2) This could be in the vacuum advance and retard system, this is a pipe from the carb to the distributor - Owen
3) check vacuum lines. - the Horses Butt
4) Manifold boots, usually red rubber rings clamped where the manifold joins the end castings. - Jay S
Question 4
Whats wrong with my car!? 03 VW Polo front wheel squeaking - I think its the wheel!?... Ive recently bought a car from a garage which is under a 1 month warrenty but I realised that the 2 front tyres were bold on the inside of the tyres. I took it back to the garage and they replaced one tyre but the other wasnt illegal so I had that one changed. The tracking was apparently really out and so thats now been sorted but there is a sqeaking noise coming from somewhere by the wheels. Its much more noticable when I'm in lower gears i.e. stop starting or going over small bumps. Does anyone have any idea what this is and if so should the garage I bought it from sort this out? Please help! I know what these warrenties cover! I bought the car with a 10 month MOT if thats any help. Also if I have to pay for it will costs lots and lots of money???
Thanks for reading this, and I hope you can shed some light on the situation : )
Thanks for your answers but I dont think it sounds like a loose belt - I've had one of those before! It sound like an old creaky taxi. Ive also notice that the brakes are pretty gentle but all of a sudden the car will 'pull back' like the brakes have just kicked in. Maybe I'm paranoid coz the car is new...
1) Its a loose timer belt. It not that expensive to repair. It helps with the gear changes that's why you hear it on the low gears squeaking. Same thing happened to me - heftrr
2) could be wheel bearing take it back to them - blue_eyesandy10
3) Does the "squeak" go away when you apply the brakes? If so, it simply means your brake pads are getting thin and it's time for replacement. - p3200tmz
4) If the noise is coming from the wheels, it could be one of many things - most likely brakes or suspension. You should get it checked out as soon as possible, while your car is still under warranty. Whether the fault is covered or not depends on what is in the warranty - some have a long list of exclusions in the small print.
A 10 month MOT doesn't mean you have any kind of guarantee for 10 months. All it means is that 2 months ago (MOT's last a year) all the items checked in the MOT test were found to be up to standard. - L205
Question 5
how much would it cost to install a sunroof on a 2004 volkswagen jetta?...
1) DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES DO will leak and cause major damage to your vehicle.a friend of mine did it to his carolla and it leaked within a month. - Robert B
2) I don't know, but it'd be a lot cooler if you just cut a circular hole and installed a plexiglass bubble. That would probably cost $300 bones. - matty
3) dont waste your money!!!
now that is out of the way, about 1200 dollars for a motorized one. i had one installed in a previous car. note that there is a 25% chance that it will leak. - Spook
4) aftermarket sunroofs leak, - James N
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