what do people think of vw beetle?... Im gettting a used 2001 on friday, but i dont want it to like suck or anything. iv talked to a few people and all said that they are pretty good cars,. and that they dont brack down, "from what they know" but i want to know from people that really have vw beetles. So 2001 vw beetle reveiw. thanksss. :)
1) It is a very stylish, unique car. One of a kind. Easily indetifiable. - Ricky Nai
2) The New Beetle is a consistent top 5 finisher in Consumer Reports "Used cars to avoid" category.
http://finance.yahoo.com/family-home/article/110205/avoid-these-5-used-cars-plus-5-to-buy?mod=family-autos - CAB
3) they have electrical issues and even some have randomly caught fire due to this. Buyer beware. - Spammer
4) Hitler mobile - Scuzzlebutt
5) It generally sucks.
It's famous for reliability problems, with the most common being electrical and engine issues.
The 2001 model has a crapload of recalls. For your own safety, make sure these have been addressed before you take delivery. - Stupid Flanders
6) Essentially its based on the VW Golf. If you are in the US then VW have had reliability problems, if you can get a German built car it would pay dividends. Be very guarded about consumer magazines as they do not tell a complete story. i.e 3000 Lexus will always seem to be more reliable than 20,000 Volkswagens. - L G
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Question 2
How many young girls do you see driving Volkswagen bugs 1967 and under?... Because im one and people are finding it hard to believe!
oh i say 1967 and under or older shall i say is because 1971 and up are SUPER BETTLES!
an all girl racing car club saw me and want me to join,
my motor isn't stoke far from it!
thank you for that,
I learned something new today.
1) Several - Bongzilla
2) I love love love old bugs! I want a light blue one or light yellow one when I get a car!
ps- the new bugs are UGLY! they look like ufos - Vanessa lalala
3) Not any since its a antique. The old ones had real bumpers - USA MALE
4) Not too many. Not too many bugs driving around in the first place. The thing has a hard time going pass 60 mph. I saw one girl in a black one with a bumper sticker saying "I went to college for this?" - Kenny
5) i see are a few out there. im a 21 year old dude with 2, one I drive and another I restored.
first off, 1971 and up are not necessarily supers. they still made standards up to 1977 soooo... if your gonna try to talk trash about people with late model bugs at least know what your talking about
i see as many young people driving fat chicks as i do early models - Air-Cooled (o\ ! /o)
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Question 3
What are Volkswagen group famous for?... treatment of workers?
unique technology?
1) Their fame originated withe the old Bug. - σοφός άνθρωπος
2) German Engineering...Making it available to all, safety, reliablility, comfort, in one nice cheap package. Also the Beattle, and taking over the Car Market. Volkswagen Group owns the most amount car companys, such as Audi and Lamborghini. - Ashley Regne
3) For building a German car with German feel for a lower price. VW is the only non luxury German brand sold in America. Plus, you can't deny it, they are also famous for building the bug. - SB
4) they made a car everyone called the pregnant roller skate - USA MALE
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Question 4
What should I name my Volkswagen beetle?... It's yellow with grey interior.
It's also going to be a girl.
1) Bee
I'll edit my answer when I know if it's a boy or girl ;) - I'mMe
2) well, when you name your car, it's always a she. my cousin put a mustache on here beetle, lol. anyway when you get close to your car, you could always come up with a name such as-
pick a name that is smoothing, - Nick
3) Buggy
Das Bug
Bongo - mirofish
4) lol..it's a girl how cute! congrats.
or svenja, ute, valda, wilfreda, verena, ursel...
german names - snowglobe380
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Question 5
Why does my vw golf electric windows stick?... My golf windows stick when winding them down or up (Seems to happen random). They are electric windows on MK4 golf. I have noticed that the lights on the window switches flicks off when they stop and comes back on again. What could be the problem?
Forgot to mention its happening for all of the windows
1) When the light goes off it is losing power to the windows. Maybe defective wiring or switch or connections. - Timbo is here
2) hi there a few reasons yes it could be lack of power, but i think windows are sticking try greasing the window runners each side of glass, it could be the window winding mechanism seizing up again you have to take door panel off and spray release oil on all moving parts. it could be the window relay burning out. Jock - jock
3) unfortunately a common problem with the mk 4 is the window mechanism falling apart, you can get a repair kit, but if you want my advise then buy the complete mechanism which comes with the new metal panel which it mounts on, cost about £70 if you shop around, it is not a 5 minute job and unless you consider yourself able to fix it then get someone who can, otherwise you could destroy the door panel trying to remove it. - Pete
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