Should I be worried about my high mileage vw jetta?... I have a 2007 VW Jetta 2.5 and I already have about 65k miles on it. I use this car for work and everything else so the miles are really racking up. I have done pretty much all the maintanence on it. I do oil changes about every 5k-7k miles. I use unleaded gas, and sometimes include the injector cleaner fluids. I am just worried because I put a lot of miles on the vehicle and I am so upside down on the loan its not even funny so trading it in is not an option. I could, but I would take a big hit on the new loan. Anyway, is this car going to last a long time, or should I start paying higher payments so I can eventually trade it in.
65k miles is not a high amount, but at the rate I am putting miles on the car, it will have 150k on it in no time. So, I guess I am more worried about how fast the car is gaining mileage, not the actual amount.
1) I have two cars over 300,000 miles.
How....exactly, is 65k miles high? - Vipassana
2) my car has over 300,000 miles im not worrying about it
its all about the maintanence car care 65 is nothing being upside down on loan would be something to worry about not about car - kelly_f_1999
3) With proper maintenance, and driving, a VW can go over 300k.
Notice I said proper maintenance, at 65K you are approaching the
interval for a new timing belt. I would also suggest doing he water pump at the same time.
5K oil changes aren't a bad thing if it is mostly highway driving that you are doing. - Briano
4) yes number 1 big thing is changing the Timing Belt at 60,000 miles, small price to pay for a small job, or $$$$$$$ if you break a belt - John B
Question 2
how do i reset the exhaust warning light on a golf 2 ltr sdi?...
1) cut the wire underneath the car which is connected to the exhaust, good luck mate - TuTor
2) very easy job you could do it yourself if you can get access underneath the car, and just cut the wire connected to your exhaust --- good luck - Ping
3) WHAT EXHAUST warning light? do you mean the soot warning...
simply drive the car on the mororway ( normail conditions) 70mph in 5th drop down to 4th gear for a few mins and it will clear the soot - Rubber Duck
4) Whoever says cut the wires connected to your exhaust are idiots.
These will be your Lambda sensors and will screw your fuel mixture settings.
All EMF fault codes need to be reset via diagnostic socket. - Black Panther
Question 3
How much will it cost to clean a throttle body on a MKIV VW golf 1.6 SE 2000 (w) reg?... My car has started stalling when the clutch is pressed and sometimes shortly after initial startup. also the revs are not constant and sometimes run at just over 1000rpm when idle. i have read on forums online that this is most likely to be the Throttle Body and that it needs to be cleaned. I am not a mechanic and therefor am not going to try doing this myself as no matter how easy it may be, this is my car im messing with, and would rather a pro do the job correctly.
Anybody know how much i am looking at to get this job done?
1) Should be around £30.00 as it is a pretty quick straightforward job. - Black Panther
2) Your Idle-Stepper-Motor sounds like the culprit to me. A shiny, fist-sized device which adjusts the idle speed of the engine. Well over 100 quid from the dealers, or 35 from eBay! Fitting is about as difficult as plugging in your kettle. Don't be scared of lifting your cars' bonnet! - Please punctuate properly folks.
3) try a bottle or two of a fuel treatment 5 bucks
can buy cleaner to spray it clean 5 bucks
and if thats the case just call three local shops to get a price.. and not knowing how to care for your car cost you money the easy stuff you should learn to care for it better smarter and cheaper
you can find many or most repairs by typing into search box such as
how to clean Throttle Body - kelly_f_1999
4) from what ive read in trade journals (im a diesel tech hgv) not car,it is not viable to clean throttle bodies as the agents you will have to employ to remove the carbon and oil residue will destroy the sensitve coatings.they recommend you fit a new one,howevere you need to establish what if any the cause of its failure is before replacing as it may happen again,hope this helps. - phuk1t
Question 4
who closes the door when the bus driver gets off?...
1) You can actually close the door form the out side. You just push it.
You can actually also open it form the outside too. You just push the sides. - Midnite_rose
2) If they closed it, who opens the door when the bus driver gets on? - smileymantim
3) The great mysteries of the univers are there to wonder at; not be answered. - olderman
4) Its manually pushed from the outside. Some charter buses even have buttons located outside to actuate the hydraulic system. - Andy
Question 5
I need help on finding a vw camper van!?... Any ideas as to where I can find an old Volkswagen camper van that preferably needs restoring? Made in about the 60's or 70's? Price (I know not much) of about £1000? I have given some pictures of the camper vans i like as I know there are a lot of different makes of camper vans!!!! Most will be of restored ones to give you a clearer idea of what i'm looking for! Thank you very much and i pick best answer!
My Favourite!
1) ebay - neutron solstice
2) try to connect with a local VW club, or just post an ad saying you want to buy in local paper or some website - Wade C
3) Hello Erin,
I would start with an online search for vintage VW Bus or VW Campmobile or VW Type II ....especially ones located in England or the local European area. Here's one link listing a lot of VW sites:
There are scads out there.
I'm not sure how much they can help you from across the pond but The Samba is a site dedicated to the VW Bus (Type II ...the model designation for the Bus) they can be found here:
Another good source might be on your local magazine rack. I know there are one or two magazines printed in England or Europe for the vintage VW enthusiast.
Before you go looking and buy, make sure you do *a lot* of research into these vehicles as far as restoration; things like areas most prone to rust, critical body or frame members to look for when checking out a vehicle, what body parts are available or reproduced, etc.
As a rule of thumb, it is better to get a vehicle with a good solid body and a trashed engine than the other way around. Paying extra for this will save you money in the long run for the restoration. Body work is *expensive* if it has to be farmed out and even if it isn't the work can be tedious may even need a second vehicle as a donor car for body panels. Rebuilding an engine is relatively straightforward, easy and far less expensive than body work.
Happy Hunting! - Sayswho
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